Heir to the Empire Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 24.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As he prepares to go back into the Jedi induced trance, he calls out to whom?
(a) the unidentified Jedi that called to him before
(b) Yoda
(c) Leia
(d) Obi-wan

2. After the meeting, Leia and who are stopped by Mon Mothma?
(a) Borsk
(b) Ackbar
(c) Wedge
(d) Han

3. The guardian oversees the people and city of Mount what?
(a) Tarliss
(b) Tantiss
(c) Tatniss
(d) Tauntiss

4. Luke tells them that he found a canister on Dagobah and that it probably belongs to the Dark Jedi that fled to Dagobah from where?
(a) Coruscant
(b) Myrkr
(c) Bimmisaari
(d) Bpfassh

5. Mon Mothma insists that the trip is necessary why?
(a) relaxation
(b) to guard against attack
(c) diplomatic reasons
(d) to rescue a missing council member

Short Answer Questions

1. Pallaeon regrets the Emperor's decision to build a second what, since flaws were discovered in the first one?

2. As Han and Leia are arriving on Nkllon, who else arrives?

3. Karrde realizes what about his time at Myrkr?

4. Han and Lando tell Karrde that they are going to the Falcon to check on some things, but do what instead?

5. Karrde tells Luke that Karrde's associate, whom, is the one who alerted Karrde to Luke's presence.

(see the answer key)

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