Hedda Gabler Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hedda Gabler Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Lovborg's plan for his future at the end of Act 3 of HEDDA GABLER?

2. What does Lovborg know after his night at Brack's?

3. What is the thing that Hedda fights hardest for?

4. How many copies of Lovborg's manuscript exist?

5. What does Hedda remember getting Lovborg to confess?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay on addiction, and the influence in can have in someone's life. Make sure to use the character Lovborg from the play HEDDA GABLER as an example. You may use other examples from your own life as well.

Part 1: Addiction can be a powerful force. Discuss both the power it has over people as well as the power that people can have over it. Make sure to use the character Lovborg from the play HEDDA GABLER as an example and to relate your arguments to the play.

Part 2: Can people control addiction? Discuss the best ways to approach an addiction or a weakness in order to control it. What resources are available to people in order to help them overcome an addiction? What choices do they need to make to ensure their best success? What should they avoid?

Essay Topic 2

The play HEDDA GABLER was first published in 1890. Write an essay about the world as it was then.

Part 1: What was the society and culture like that first received the play HEDDA GABLER? What, in his society, was like ours and what was different? What aspects have changed but still show influence after all these years?

Part 2: What aspects of his culture influenced Henrik Ibsen to write the play HEDDA GABLER? What message was he trying to send with his plays? Was there a part of society that he felt was unjust and reacted to in his work?

Part 3: How well was his work and his message received? Did most of his society accept and agree with his message or was it controversial? Why?

Essay Topic 3

The character of Hedda Tesman is complex, and has been interpreted in many different ways. Is she a victim of circumstance? Is she a manipulative and selfish evil doer? Perhaps an idealistic dreamer? Is her lashing out early signs of feminism? The final definition of Hedda's character is left to the actress that portrays her, and there have been many variations. How do you see Hedda? Write a full and thorough description of Hedda the way you see her, and the way you would portray her on stage if it were up to you. Develop her character thoroughly, so the reader feels they know her. Support your arguments with examples and details from the play.

(see the answer keys)

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