Hedda Gabler Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hedda Gabler Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the very important thing that Hedda keeps from Lovborg when he comes to see her in Act 3?

2. What does Hedda understand is the real point of Brack's story?

3. What did Hedda envision for Lovborg the night of Brack's party?

4. What is the likely reason that Hedda dreams of controlling another person's destiny?

5. What reason does Hedda give for refusing to go with Tesman to Rina?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write a full analysis comparing and contrasting the two characters of Tesman and Lovborg.

Part 1: Compare and contrast their abilities, their weaknesses, their strengths, their motives and other attributes of the two characters. Discuss both their personal and professional aptitudes.

Part 2: What point do you think the author was trying to make by contrasting them?

Part 3: The character Hedda is clearly the center of the play and these two men act as a way for us to see more about Hedda. What does each one tell us about her? How do they each shed light on the nuances of her character?

Essay Topic 2

Write an essay about the complexities and challenges of developing the plot in HEDDA GABLER and other similar plays.

Part 1: The entire play happens in one room in the Tesman household over two days. Are there advantages and disadvantages in choosing such a limited stage setting? What difficulties does it present and what might it simplify? What affect does an entire play in one room have on the audience?

Part 2: In the play HEDDA GABLER, Ibsen uses various techniques to make the play flow despite the limited setting and lack of a narrator or asides. How did Ibsen develop his characters? How did he give his audience the information they needed to understand who everyone was? What techniques did he use to help his characters seem natural? How did the action of the play get conveyed to the audience?

Essay Topic 3

Write an essay that discusses the challenges of changing the setting of a play.

Part 1: What options does someone have if they choose to retell a play in a different setting? What things can be changed and the play still stay recognizable? What is important to keep in tact?

Part 2: Bring up some examples of literature or theatrical works that have been retold in a modernized or alternative way. How successful have they been? What have they changed and what have they kept? Were they more or less effective than the traditional version? Why?

Part 3: In your mind, are there benefits or detriments to this practice? Is it bringing classical stories to the masses and giving them fresh life or is it vandalizing something beautiful?

(see the answer keys)

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