Hedda Gabler Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hedda Gabler Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Julle leaves at the end of Act 1, what are her plans for returning?

2. What does Julle give to Tesman before she leaves?

3. What is the book Tesman is working on about?

4. From where are Tesman and Hedda returning?

5. What does Mrs Elvsted tell Hedda that Lovborg has done for her specifically because he knew she wanted it?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reason does Hedda give Brack for her marrying Tesman?

2. What does Lovborg say the only option open to him now is? How does Hedda respond?

3. How did Hedda enjoy her honeymoon with Tesman?

4. When Lovborg leaves at the end of Act 3 what does Hedda do? What does she say while she does it?

5. Why didn't Tesman tell anyone he had Lovborg's manuscript? What were his plans with it?

6. How do Hedda and Aunt Julle get along?

7. What does Hedda learn from Mrs.1Elvsted when they speak alone in Act I of Hedda Gabler that Mrs Elvsted had concealed from Tesman?

8. When Brack adds his own account of the night of the party to Hedda, where does he reveal that Lovborg has gone that Tesman was unaware of?

9. In Act 1 of Hedda Gabler, what does Hedda say about her piano? What does Tesman suggest in reply, and how is his suggestion received?

10. In the beginning of Act 2, shortly after discussing their financial constraints, what does Tesman return home with?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay about the complexities and challenges of developing the plot in HEDDA GABLER and other similar plays.

Part 1: The entire play happens in one room in the Tesman household over two days. Are there advantages and disadvantages in choosing such a limited stage setting? What difficulties does it present and what might it simplify? What affect does an entire play in one room have on the audience?

Part 2: In the play HEDDA GABLER, Ibsen uses various techniques to make the play flow despite the limited setting and lack of a narrator or asides. How did Ibsen develop his characters? How did he give his audience the information they needed to understand who everyone was? What techniques did he use to help his characters seem natural? How did the action of the play get conveyed to the audience?

Essay Topic 2

In the play HEDDA GABLER, all the characters surround the title character and in their own way add to the entrapment that she feels. Write an essay detailing the trap that Hedda ultimately feels she must escape at any cost, and the role each of the surrounding characters played in the trap.

Part 1: What role did society play in creating the situation that Hedda finds herself in? What other paths were available to her that she could have chosen that would not have left her feeling so limited?

Part 2: What role did Hedda play in creating the trap for herself? Does she have weaknesses that keep her from happiness? What attributes might she have that would have kept her from feeling this way?

Part 3: All the other characters in the play, including her unborn child, aid in tightening the trap around Hedda. Discuss how the actions of each of the other characters affect Hedda and cause her to feel constantly more trapped.

Essay Topic 3

The play HEDDA GABLER was first published in 1890. Write an essay about the world as it was then.

Part 1: What was the society and culture like that first received the play HEDDA GABLER? What, in his society, was like ours and what was different? What aspects have changed but still show influence after all these years?

Part 2: What aspects of his culture influenced Henrik Ibsen to write the play HEDDA GABLER? What message was he trying to send with his plays? Was there a part of society that he felt was unjust and reacted to in his work?

Part 3: How well was his work and his message received? Did most of his society accept and agree with his message or was it controversial? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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