Hedda Gabler Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hedda Gabler Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Tesman and Brack first invite Lovborg to Brack's party, what does Lovborg do?

2. Why is Mrs Elvsted uneasy talking about her home life?

3. What do Julle and Tesman discuss as a strong ability of Tesman's?

4. How does Hedda feel about the house she lives in?

5. What is Lovborg going to do for Tesman?

Short Essay Questions

1. Tesman foresees many months of work to reconstruct the manuscript. How does he recommend they all arrange themselves while the work is going on?

2. In Act 2 of HEDDA GABLER, Hedda tells Lovborg that her not daring to shoot him when their previous friendship ended was an act of cowardice, for fear of a scandal, but that it was not her greatest act of cowardice that evening. What do you think she is alluding to as her greatest act of cowardice?

3. What leverage does Brack acquire over Hedda?

4. Despite it's great reception, what does Lovborg say about the book of his that was recently published? What about the next one?

5. What does Hedda reveal to Brack about the house that Tesman does not know?

6. Other than her dialogue, what are Hedda's two final actions in the play HEDDA GABLER?

7. What does Tesman ask of Hedda shortly after Julle leaves in Act 1? What does Hedda reply?

8. Why didn't Tesman tell anyone he had Lovborg's manuscript? What were his plans with it?

9. In Act 4, what does Brack tell everyone at the Tesman household happened to Lovborg? What did he tell Hedda was the truth when he was alone with her?

10. When Tesman and Julle are discussing future prospects, they are talking about different things. What does Tesman talk about, and what does Julle talk about?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In the play HEDDA GABLER, the character of Julle is seen only briefly, but she is mentioned often and has several important roles to play. Write an essay about the need for her character in the play.

Part 1: What many purposes does her character have? Ibsen needs to use her to achieve several things. What are they? Who does her character help to contrast? Who does her character add depth to? Who does she help define?

Part 2: Discuss the importance in general of minor characters that don't play a major role in the plot, and what they often are there to do. Does realism need them more than other genres? What complications for the writer might they help solve?

Essay Topic 2

For the title character in HEDDA GABLER, having power and influence over someone is of immense importance.

Part 1: Describe Hedda's need for power or influence. Why did she feel it? Was she particular about who she influenced? Was she well meaning in her attempts to influence? Was she responsible with her power?

Part 2: Write an essay about the people in your life that you have influence over and those that have power over you. Discuss the roles of responsibility and power in each relationship. What happens when power is not handled responsibly? What are some of the outcomes of the power or influence in your life and in the life of those around you?

Essay Topic 3

"Hedda Gabler" is the maiden name of the character we meet in the play as "Hedda Tesman". However, we often hear her referred to by other characters as "Hedda Gabler" and the play itself is named HEDDA GABLER.

Part 1: What do you think was Ibsen's purpose in this? Is he making her connection to her father, or her unmarried life, stronger than her connection to her husband? We see many contrasts between Hedda's maiden life and her married life, are there any parallel changes in her, or, like her name, is she stuck how she was before getting married?

Part 2: Throughout the play we hear people refer to "Hedda Gabler" with deference and admiration. Hedda was clearly successful at what was expected of her before marriage. What happened? Why is she having such a hard time now? Does Hedda have a way to continue her own legacy, or in the play is she merely the shadow of herself?

Part 3: What role has society played in causing this discrepancy in Hedda's life? Does she have many choices that would lead her to happiness or self fulfillment?

(see the answer keys)

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