Hedda Gabler Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hedda Gabler Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the letter sent in Act 1 of HEDDA GABLE propose to do?
(a) Warn Mrs Elvsted's husband of her whereabouts.
(b) Invite Ejlert Lovborg over that evening.
(c) Make arrangements for a celebration.
(d) Summon Brack to the house.

2. What would best characterize the way Hedda greets Julle?
(a) Cool and formal.
(b) Loving and warm.
(c) Appreciative and obliging.
(d) Excited and enthusiastic.

3. What did Tesman tell Brack about Tesman and Hedda's trip?
(a) They missed their home terribly.
(b) They spent every moment together.
(c) It was long and difficult.
(d) Hedda had a very good time.

4. What does Julle do as soon as she enters the room in the beginning of the first act?
(a) Hugs Hedda.
(b) Reads a manuscript.
(c) Opens a window.
(d) Writes a letter.

5. What does Hedda complain about just after greeting Julle?
(a) An open window.
(b) How long it has been since they've met.
(c) Having nothing to do.
(d) The difficulty with servants.

6. Why is Mrs Elvsted uneasy talking about her home life?
(a) Because she has just left her husband.
(b) Because her husband is an old flame of Hedda's.
(c) Because she knows Hedda is unhappy.
(d) Because her husband is unfaithful.

7. How does Hedda feel about the house she lives in?
(a) She thinks it smells of old ladies and death.
(b) She thinks the house will be good for raising a family.
(c) She loves the way the house has been furnished.
(d) She thinks the house is plain and depressing.

8. Does Berte leave her belongings lying around?
(a) No, the item belonged to Julle.
(b) Yes, and they dismissed her for it.
(c) Yes, they were always returning things to her.
(d) No, Hedda had left it and forgotten about it.

9. Why are people concerned about Rina?
(a) She recently offended an important man.
(b) She is about to have a child.
(c) She is missing.
(d) She is elderly and bedridden.

10. To what does Brack invite Tesman?
(a) A discussion of the professorship.
(b) A stag dinner.
(c) A party at the home of a wealthy relative.
(d) A literary gathering.

11. Why might Tesman not get the professorship he was promised?
(a) Lovborg is also being considered for the post.
(b) Tesman was gone too long on his travels.
(c) There are doubts about Tesman's character.
(d) The subject of Tesman's book is irrevelant to the post.

12. Which are the most appropriate words to describe Hedda in the first act?
(a) Particular and demanding.
(b) Loving and kind.
(c) Relaxed and lazy.
(d) Professional and competent.

13. What state of mind is Mrs Elvsted in when she arrives?
(a) Confident and cheery.
(b) Concerned and thoughtful.
(c) Nervous and desperate.
(d) Excited and bubbly.

14. In Act 2, why does Julle send word she will not be visiting Hedda and Tesman that evening?
(a) She is still ofended about the hat.
(b) She does not feel welcome.
(c) She has another social engagement.
(d) Rina is getting worse.

15. What was Hedda's life like before she married?
(a) She was the popular daughter of a general.
(b) She was a school teacher.
(c) She was the heiress to a large fortune.
(d) She was the beautiful daughter of a poor family.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hedda tell Brack about her trip with Tesman?

2. What does Ejlert Lovborg do shortly after publishing his book?

3. What is the book Tesman is working on about?

4. When Hedda and Brack are discussing a trip in a compartment on a train, what are they really discussing?

5. What are people suggesting when they note Hedda has "filled out" during her travels?

(see the answer keys)

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