Heaven's Prisoners Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heaven's Prisoners Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Romero tell Dave as Romero is dying?
(a) That he was out of town when Annie is killed.
(b) That he is sorry for killing Annie.
(c) That he killed Annie.
(d) That he did not kill Annie; Keats did.

2. What does Dave do?
(a) Hires Robin to work at his boat shop.
(b) Goes out right away to the Inlet to help Batist.
(c) Tells Bubba he does not care.
(d) Tells Alafair she can live with him.

3. What does Dautrieve ask Dave when Dautrieve calls?
(a) If Dave will take him deep sea fishing.
(b) If Dave wants to do a job for Dautrieve.
(c) If Dave is involved in the deaths of Dave's enemies.
(d) If Dave wants to know where Annie's other killer is.

4. Why does Dave fire up through the ceiling?
(a) He wants to scare Romero.
(b) He sees floorboards flexing.
(c) He wants to signal the cops.
(d) He does not shoot the ceiling, just the window.

5. What does Monroe offer to Dave?
(a) Information as to where to find Keats.
(b) Apologies.
(c) A way to gain revenge.
(d) A parttime job.

6. What is Dave's reply to Dautrieve?
(a) No.
(b) Maybe.
(c) He is unwilling to respond.
(d) Only one man.

7. What does Jerry tell Dave about Romero?
(a) He has a cousin who runs a laundry in New Orleans.
(b) He is having surgery to alter his looks.
(c) He has a contract out on him by some big time bosses.
(d) He is about to skip the country.

8. What does Dave realize about Romero?
(a) He is unarmed.
(b) He is injured.
(c) He has cut his beard and dyed his hair.
(d) He is armed.

9. Where does Dave spot Romero?
(a) In the Chinese food place next door to the laundry.
(b) In a adult book store.
(c) Walking back to his apartment with a bag of groceries.
(d) In a bar.

10. Why does Claudette get angry?
(a) Dave won't speak to her.
(b) Dave tells her he is tailing her.
(c) Dave insults her.
(d) Dave rejects her proposition.

11. How is Dave in the week after Annie is buried?
(a) In a daze.
(b) Calm and resolute.
(c) Murderously angry.
(d) Deeply depressed.

12. Where do Dave and Annie meet with Claudette?
(a) A football game.
(b) The stripper bar.
(c) The casino.
(d) A local baseball game.

13. What does Claudette want of Dave?
(a) Money.
(b) A ride into town.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Protection.

14. Who may cut a deal with the government?
(a) Bubba.
(b) Claudette.
(c) Keats.
(d) Romero.

15. What does Dave do to some strippers at Keats' bar?
(a) Sets them up for a drug bust by planting some coccaine.
(b) Intimidates them into leaving.
(c) Arrests them.
(d) Bribes them to quit.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Cecil Aguillard?

2. Of what does Dautrieve warn Dave?

3. Who is sitting on Dave's porch a few days later?

4. Why is the visitor there?

5. What is Dave's best area as a cop?

(see the answer keys)

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