Heat and Dust Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heat and Dust Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says she came to India to find peace, but only got dysentery?
(a) The wife of the major at the Nawab's dinner party.
(b) Mrs. Saunders.
(c) An English girl the narrator meets at an old bungalow.
(d) Beth Crawford.

2. What is a sadhu?
(a) A holy man.
(b) A tomb painting.
(c) An unforgivable sin.
(d) A blessing.

3. What do Olivia and Douglas argue about when the prince extends a second visit to the palace?
(a) The fact that the Minnies are not invited.
(b) The fact that the Crawfords are not invited.
(c) If it's appropriate to go during a holy time.
(d) What to bring to the prince.

4. What is the narrator called in Part 1 Section 4?
(a) Sass.
(b) Begum.
(c) Nawab.
(d) Hirja.

5. Where does the narrator say she is staying in her February 16th entry?
(a) In a room above the saloon.
(b) In Marcia's small hut outside of Satipur.
(c) In the A's Hotel.
(d) In a room above a cloth shop.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the Begum?

2. Who gives Olivia's letters to Marcia?

3. Why does Inder Lal tell the narrator that his mother selected Ritu as his wife?

4. Who is the recipient of Olivia's letters that are in the narrator's possession?

5. Who tells the narrator that nothing human is important in India?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the narrator's room in Satipur City.

2. Describe the behavior and actions of the midwives during Olivia's abortion.

3. Why does the narrator write to Chid's family in Section 31?

4. Is the narrator's decision to stay in India indicative of her approval or disapproval of Olivia's life and decisions?

5. How does the narrator feel upon discovering that she is pregnant?

6. Describe the narrator's actions in the hospital ward that result in her being treated differently by the other people there.

7. Is the narrator helping Chid when she lets him stay with her in Section 14?

8. Why is the narrator motivated to travel to India?

9. Do you think Chid is a sadhu?

10. Describe Chid's transformation in Section 28.

(see the answer keys)

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