Heat and Dust Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heat and Dust Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 9 Section 26.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who awakens the narrator by screaming in the courtyard on March 9th?
(a) Inder Lal.
(b) A young girl she has never seen before.
(c) Inder Lal's youngest child.
(d) Ritu.

2. What does the narrator say she learns about the house where Olivia and Douglas used to live in the February 16th journal entry?
(a) It houses a post office substation.
(b) It has been torn down.
(c) It is for sale.
(d) It is condemned.

3. What paperwork does the narrator keep on her small desk in Part 1, Section 3?
(a) Her journal, Tessie's diary and a Hindi grammar book.
(b) Olivia's letters and the map to the palace.
(c) Olivia's letters, her journal and a Hindi grammar book.
(d) Olivia's letters, her journal and a guide to India.

4. With whom does Olivia spend her Sundays?
(a) The Nawab.
(b) Beth Crawford.
(c) Douglas.
(d) Harry.

5. What happens when Ritu visits the narrator in her room after she tries unsuccessfully to throw Chid out of her room?
(a) Ritu curls up in a corner and starts shrieking.
(b) Ritus starts chanting with Chid.
(c) Chid seems to calm Ritu.
(d) Ritu and Chid fight.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the religious significance of Baba Firdau's shrine?

2. Where does the Nawab keep his pianos?

3. Why does the Nawab tell Douglas he is visiting on the day that Douglas arrives home during one of the Nawab's regular visits to Olivia?

4. Who visits Olivia four days after she and Douglas attend their first dinner party at the palace?

5. What topic do Olivia and Douglas start to discuss during her growing friendship with the Nawab?

(see the answer key)

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