Heat and Dust Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heat and Dust Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 4 Section 15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the narrator discover when she investigates the royal tomb on March 30th?
(a) Chid.
(b) Ritu.
(c) Inder Lal.
(d) The angry English woman she met at the British bungalow.

2. What paperwork does the narrator keep on her small desk in Part 1, Section 3?
(a) Olivia's letters, her journal and a Hindi grammar book.
(b) Her journal, Tessie's diary and a Hindi grammar book.
(c) Olivia's letters and the map to the palace.
(d) Olivia's letters, her journal and a guide to India.

3. Why is the person the narrator discovers inside the royal tomb there, in Section 13?
(a) The person is hiding.
(b) The person is sick with fever.
(c) The person is being held prisoner.
(d) The person is praying.

4. Where is Baba Firdau's shrine?
(a) In Satipur.
(b) Next to the suttee shrine.
(c) On palace grounds.
(d) In Khatm.

5. What does the narrator notice about the relationship between Ritu and Inder Lal's mother?
(a) Ritu dotes on her mother-in-law.
(b) Ritu obeys her mother-in-law.
(c) Ritu is abused by her mother-in-law.
(d) Ritu is openly hostile to her mother-in-law.

Short Answer Questions

1. What game do Olivia and Nawab play when he first takes her to the grove?

2. Who awakens the narrator by screaming in the courtyard on March 9th?

3. Why was Baba Firdau's shrine built?

4. Who says she came to India to find peace, but only got dysentery?

5. Why does the narrator say she buys Indian clothing after settling into her new place in Satipur?

(see the answer key)

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