The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Sunny Dixie Show?
(a) A revival.
(b) A dance hall.
(c) A carnival.
(d) A rodeo.

2. In Part 2, Chapter 5, what does Spareribs bring with him to the Kelly house?
(a) A pistol.
(b) A Parcheesi game.
(c) A rifle.
(d) Candy.

3. What is wrong with Dr. Copeland?
(a) He needs a vacation.
(b) He has asthma.
(c) He has cancer.
(d) He has tuberculosis.

4. What about Jake Blount seems to stand out most to Brannon?
(a) The way the man drank.
(b) All answers are correct.
(c) The way the man looked.
(d) The way the man changed.

5. Who were the four people who often visited Mr. Singer?
(a) Willie, Highboy, Bubber, and Mick.
(b) Mick Kelly, Biff Brannon, Jake Blount, and Dr. Copeland.
(c) Mick Kelly, Portia, Willie, and Biff Brannon.
(d) Bubber, Mick, Mandy Lewis, and Dr. Copeland.

6. What kind of relationship does Brannon have with his wife, Alice?
(a) They dislike each other, but won't divorce because they both want to keep the business.
(b) Cordial and affectionate.
(c) They do not sleep together and call one another Mr. and Mrs. Brannon.
(d) They flirt and call one another by the pet names Mr. and Mrs.

7. What does Mick do most nights?
(a) Works a part time job.
(b) Walks the streets alone.
(c) Drinks beer behind the house.
(d) Hides in the attic and looks at her secret box.

8. Who is Mick Kelley?
(a) A girl from a large family who dresses like a boy.
(b) A boy from the neighborhood.
(c) A Jewish boy from a wealthy family.
(d) An orphaned girl who lives on the street.

9. Who took a drunken Jake Blount home?
(a) Mr. Singer took Jake Blount home with him.
(b) Mick Kelly took Jake Blount home with her.
(c) The Sherrif took Jake Blount home with him..
(d) Biff Brannon took Jake Blount home with him.

10. What is Singer's job?
(a) A psychologist.
(b) A chess master.
(c) A sign-language teacher at a special school.
(d) An engraver in a jewelery store.

11. What does Mick say to Portia about God?
(a) She believes in God and in Santa Claus.
(b) That God is not real, but that Santa Claus is.
(c) She doesn't believe in God any more than she believes in Santa Claus.
(d) That God is Santa Claus.

12. What does Bubber ask Baby to let him see?
(a) Her dancing shoes.
(b) The book she was reading.
(c) Her little pink pocketbook.
(d) Her fancy costume.

13. What happens after Antonapoulos becomes ill?
(a) His behavior changes. He steals and urinates in public.
(b) He recovers and goes back to his usual routine.
(c) He wants to stay in bed all day.
(d) He starts to lose weight.

14. In the summer when Mick takes her brothers for walks what does she think about?
(a) Mountain climbing in Switzerland.
(b) Snow, skating with Mr. Singer, and saving him when he falls through the ice.
(c) Dancing with Carole Lombard and Toscanini.
(d) Ice skating with her brother Bill.

15. Who does Dr. Copeland tell his guests about at the Christmas party?
(a) Karl Marx.
(b) Santa Claus.
(c) Mr. Singer.
(d) Jesus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Singer tell Antonapoulos about his four visitors?

2. In July, where does Mr. Singer go to visit his friend?

3. What was the motto of the organization Jake Blount once founded?

4. What does Antonapoulos seem most interested in doing?

5. What did Mick do in the afternoon after her conversation with Portia in the kitchen?

(see the answer keys)

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