Hayavadana (Play) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Girish Karnad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hayavadana (Play) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Girish Karnad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom does Devadatta say he would sacrifice his head if he could marry his new love interest?
(a) The Goddess Kali.
(b) Ganesha.
(c) Kapila.
(d) Lord Rudra.

2. What does Devadatta first suggest Kapila do because his is annoying him in Act I?
(a) Sit down and listen.
(b) Go away and leave him alone.
(c) Get a girlfriend of his own.
(d) Stop talking so much.

3. What strange thing does Padmini tell Kapila happened on her street the previous night?
(a) A man stood outside her house for two hours.
(b) Someone knocked on everyone’s door and ran off before they answered.
(c) There was an earthquake.
(d) An unusual parade came through.

4. In the story the Bhagavata sings, he says that two men took off what?
(a) Their heads.
(b) Their bodies.
(c) Their dhotis.
(d) Their shirts.

5. What is the name of the hero of the story introduced in Act I who is the son of Lohita, an iron-Smith?
(a) Devadatta.
(b) Kapila.
(c) Nata.
(d) Ganesha.

6. What do Devadatta and Padmini both say about Kapila as they watch him climb the tree to get flowers for Padmini?
(a) That he is foolish to try to impress a married woman.
(b) That he is too delicate to climb a tree so big.
(c) That they are glad he has left them alone at last.
(d) That no woman can resist his body.

7. What reason does Devadatta give Padmini for his concern over their trip to Ujjain?
(a) He worries he will not have time to read and write.
(b) He tells her he worries she will run away with Kapila.
(c) He worries she should not travel while pregnant.
(d) He worries they will spend too much money.

8. What does the girl hold up high in the song the Bhagavata sings in Act I?
(a) The men’s dhotis.
(b) Laughing heads.
(c) The men’s shirts.
(d) The men’s hands.

9. What does the female chorus sing about after the Bhagavata introduces the story?
(a) Two men who acted like fools over a girl.
(b) Two friends who lost their heads.
(c) A beautiful girl who destroyed two men.
(d) Why love should be tied down to just one.

10. What does the Bhagavata call the actor who frantically runs on stage in Act I?
(a) Nata.
(b) Devadatta.
(c) Kapila.
(d) Hayavadana.

11. What does the Bhagavata tell Hayavadana the goddess he suggests he see is famous for?
(a) Being wicked until you get to know her.
(b) Dazzling devotees with her beauty.
(c) Being sleepy when devotees arrive.
(d) Being ever awake to the call of devotees.

12. Who does Hayavadana ask for help to rid himself of his head?
(a) Devadatta.
(b) The Princess.
(c) Nata.
(d) The Bhagavata.

13. As they prepare for their trip to Ujjain, what does Devadatta tell Padmini she will do as soon as Kapila arrives?
(a) Act rude to Kapila.
(b) Annoy Kapila.
(c) Ignore Kapila.
(d) Drool over Kapila.

14. Why does Devadatta tell Kapila it does not matter if his love has a name?
(a) He says she is not meant of the likes of him.
(b) He says he has no use for names.
(c) He says any name would not do her beauty justice.
(d) He says he would never remember her name because her beauty would make him forget.

15. What is the one detail Devadatta recalls of his love interest's house?
(a) The door knocker shaped like a horse.
(b) The mask of Ganesh on the porch.
(c) The engraving of a two-headed bird.
(d) He could hear music playing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kapila say to the audience to indicate Devadatta may feel differently about his new love than the previous 15?

2. What unusual physical trait is discovered when the veil is pulled from Hayavadana’s face?

3. What sole object is center stage when the play Havadana begins?

4. After getting the flowers from the tree they saw on their way to Ujjain, what does Kapila tell Padmini the colors on the flowers represent?

5. Who does Kapila ask to speak with when he arrives at the home of Devadatta’s love interest?

(see the answer keys)

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