Hawaii Test | Final Test - Medium

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Hawaii Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kamejiro Sakagawa do in 1952?
(a) He applies for U.S. citizenship.
(b) He refuses to return to Japan.
(c) He refuses to apply for U.S. citizenship.
(d) He votes for his son, Shigeo, who is running for senator.

2. What does Mun Ki's boss ask him to deliver to Hawaii?
(a) A letter to his brother.
(b) The Hakka girl named Char Nyuk Tsin.
(c) An important business proposal.
(d) A bag of gold coins.

3. When Char Nyuk Tsin celebrates her 100th birthday, how many of her great-great-grandchildren attend the party?
(a) 12.
(b) 141.
(c) 70.
(d) 35.

4. What are Char Nyuk Tsin and Mun Ki's sons named after?
(a) They are named after different continents.
(b) They are named after different relatives in China.
(c) They are named after different friends in Hawaii.
(d) They are named after different flowers.

5. What starts happening to Japanese people in Hawaii on December 10, 1941?
(a) They are rounded up and placed in barbed-wire enclosures.
(b) They are honored with a parade in Honolulu.
(c) They are arrested on sight.
(d) They are shipped back to Japan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are so many members of the Kee family able to get jobs as bookkeepers?

2. What are Char Nyuk Tsin's sons told about their parents?

3. How long does the journey of Char Ti Chong and his people take?

4. What was the reaction in Hawaii to passage of the McCarren-Walter Immigration Act?

5. What happens when the Japanese Federations of Labor workers' strike is broken?

Short Essay Questions

1. Ever since he came to Hawaii in 1904, Kamejiro has been donating money to help support Japan's battles against other countries. By 1936, what responsibility to one of his children can Kamejiro not fulfill because so much of his money has been sent to Japan?

2. Later in 1946, in the Japanese city of Yokahama, what does Shigeo notice about the involvement of women in the city's clean-up effort, and why does it seem unfair?

3. During the early days of World War II, how does a war-bond speech made by Hong Kong Kee end up causing him to loan the money that enables Kamejiro to open a grocery store?

4. What historic event on December 7, 1941 endangers Kamejiro and his family?

5. In November of 1899, when plague breaks out in Honolulu, what drastic step does the city take to prevent the spread of the disease, and what happens as a result?

6. In 1868, Mun Ki is eager to return to China with his four sons and his wife, Nyuk Tsin, when his work contract ends. Why would such a return effectively separate Nyuk Tsin from her sons?

7. Author James Michener states that the Hakka villagers are "Chinese to the core and steeped in Chinese lore," and yet they refuse to follow the Chinese tradition of foot binding. Why?

8. In China, in the year 856 A.D., General Ching offers to lead a group of villagers in an escape from the Tartar invasion, but states that old people must stay behind. What happens when Char's elderly mother insists on joining the march?

9. Compare how the Hakka and Punti workers deal with each other before their voyage to Hawaii and how they act after the voyage. Why is there a change?

10. Identify who "the Celestials" are, and name at least one term of their employment.

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