The Haunting of Hill House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Haunting of Hill House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Eleanor dislike her sister for?
(a) Not allowing her to have a new suitcase
(b) Not giving her a room of her own
(c) Not allowing her to take the car
(d) Not helping with her mother

2. What emotion does Theo detect in Eleanor?
(a) Fear
(b) Happiness
(c) Anticipation
(d) Sadness

3. How does Theo react to Luke?
(a) Theo responds to his flirting.
(b) Theo tell Luke not to waste his time, she is taken.
(c) Theo brushes Luke off.
(d) Theo teases Luke.

4. Dr. Montague's doctorate is in __________________.
(a) Philosophy
(b) Psychology
(c) Sociology
(d) Parapsychology

5. How does Theo introduce herself?
(a) As a psychic
(b) As a lord's daughter masquerading as a commoner
(c) As a nightclub singer
(d) As a professional athlete

6. Why does Luke's aunt send him to stay with Dr. Montague at Hill House?
(a) To find him a wife.
(b) To keep the house safe.
(c) To keep an eye on Dr. Montague.
(d) To keep him out of trouble.

7. Who tries to stop Eleanor from going through the gates at Hill House?
(a) Mrs. Dudley
(b) Dr. Montague
(c) Luke Sanderson
(d) Mr. Dudley

8. What does Dr. Montague hope to do with the information their investigation will gather?
(a) Write a historical book about the family who once owned the house.
(b) Write a historical book about the land the house sits on and its role in supernatural manifestations.
(c) Write an academic book chronicalling supernatural manifestation in the house his colleagues will respect.
(d) Write a fictional book about the house.

9. Why does the party get lost on the way to dinner?
(a) The house is so oddly designed, no one could possibly find their way.
(b) The doors keep closing, blocking off the light.
(c) They do not know the house well enough to find their way.
(d) Mrs. Dudley has come behind them and shut off all the lights.

10. Who committed suicide in Hill House?
(a) The other daughter.
(b) The son.
(c) The widow.
(d) The young companion.

11. What does Dr. Montague claim to be?
(a) A philosopher and a gentleman
(b) A student of phenomenon
(c) A pilgrim and a wanderer
(d) A scientist and a realist

12. What is Eleanor surprised by when she wakes the following morning?
(a) That she slept so well in Hill House.
(b) That she did not have nightmares as she commonly does.
(c) That nothing happened during the night.
(d) That she is no longer afraid of the house.

13. Who provides directions to Hill House?
(a) Dr. Montague
(b) Theodora
(c) Eleanor
(d) Luke

14. With whom does Eleanor live ?
(a) Her father
(b) Her cousin
(c) Her mother
(d) Her sister

15. What is significant about Theo's calling the shadow a rabbit?
(a) Theo likes rabbits.
(b) Theo saw a rabbit seconds before the shadow, confusing the two.
(c) Theo has a pet rabbit, so the comparison makes her feel better.
(d) Theo thinks of Eleanor as a rabbit, ripe to be manipulated.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Theo see Eleanor?

2. How does Dr. Montague treat Luke?

3. Who did Eleanor care for for eleven years?

4. Where did Dr. Montague hear of Hill House?

5. What warning does Mrs. Dudley offer Eleanor?

(see the answer keys)

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