Hattie Big Sky Test | Final Test - Medium

Kirby Larson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hattie Big Sky Test | Final Test - Medium

Kirby Larson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the "doctor" in the area?
(a) Hattie.
(b) Leafie.
(c) Perilee.
(d) Rose.

2. What gives Hattie warning that someone is approaching?
(a) The chickens start squawking.
(b) Plug neighs.
(c) Dust on the coulee.
(d) Her dog barks.

3. What is the situation like when Hattie goes over to the Mueller house?
(a) Perilee is very close to delivering.
(b) Chase is very ill.
(c) Perilee is working on the quilt feverishly.
(d) Mattie is being difficult.

4. Why is Elmer Ren arrested?
(a) For failure to register for the draft.
(b) For stealing a cow.
(c) For setting fire to Karl's barn.
(d) For stealing a chicken.

5. What does Traft ask Hattie?
(a) To make a deal with him about her ranch.
(b) To forgive him for his belonging to the Defense League.
(c) To go with him to another dance.
(d) To marry him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What day has been declared National War Savings Day?

2. What does Rooster Jim use as a trellis for his string beans?

3. Where does Leafie invite Hattie?

4. Where is Elmer Ren?

5. Why must Karl stay home?

Short Essay Questions

1. What new debt does Hattie learn of when she visits Nefzger's store?

2. How does Elmer Junior intervene for his father and what is the result?

3. What happens to Elmer Ren while Hattie and Leafie are visiting?

4. What happens to Hattie that Traft helps her?

5. How does Hattie help Mr. Ebgard?

6. What are Hattie and Perilee working on as Perilee waits to deliver her baby, and what does Perilee promise?

7. What does Hattie's next installment describe?

8. What happens after Hattie and the others who are threshing see big, black clouds rolling in?

9. How does Hattie acquire chickens and what does she have to do to keep them safe?

10. What does Hattie think about after witnessing events at the Ren homestead?

(see the answer keys)

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