Harvey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harvey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes to the house, asking about Veta Simmons?
(a) Dr. Lyman Sanderson.
(b) Judge Gaffney.
(c) Wilson.
(d) Mrs. Greenawalt.

2. What does Dr. William Chumley ask Wilson to do?
(a) Clear out his desk.
(b) Be careful.
(c) Feed the cat.
(d) Lock the front door.

3. Who says "A painting shows not only the reality but the dream behind it"?
(a) Dr. William Chumley.
(b) Wilson.
(c) Veta Simmons.
(d) Elwood Dowd.

4. What is Veta Simmons' reaction when she sees the portrait of Elwood Dowd and Harvey on the mantle?
(a) She laughs uncontrollably.
(b) She shrieks and runs out of the room.
(c) She nearly faints.
(d) She pretends she doesn't see it.

5. Why did Elwood Dowd return to Chumley's Rest?
(a) To see how everyone was getting along.
(b) To keep his appointment with Ruth Kelly and Dr. Lyman Sanderson.
(c) To harass them about admitting Veta Simmons earlier.
(d) To check himself in.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Elwood Dowd's story, after Dr. William Chumley was through with his argument he ______________.

2. How does Elwood Dowd respond to Wilson's questions?

3. What does Myrtle Mae Simmons bring into the room as proof her uncle is not well?

4. Where does Dr. Lyman Sanderson claim to have seen Ruth Kelly last Saturday?

5. What happens to the front door at the end of this scene?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do you think Wilson is agitated when he finally locates Elwood Dowd back at Chumley's Rest?

2. Why is Veta Simmons speech about the importance of art significant, if at all?

3. In one or two sentences, describe how the evening's events transpired, according to Elwood Dowd.

4. With whom does Elwood Dowd speak to on the phone when he arrives home and what does he talk about?

5. What is Veta Simmons' reasoning for why she was committed instead of Elwood Dowd?

6. How does Dr. Lyman Sanderson try to psychoanalyze Elwood Dowd's relationship with Harvey?

7. Veta Simmons and Dr. William Chumley argue a great deal in this scene. What in general is the argument about?

8. What are some of the reasons Veta Simmons is visibly shaken up and disheveled-looking when she first appears in this scene?

9. What does Ruth Kelly find out when she calls Charlie's Place to verify Elwood Dowd's story?

10. What tactic does Dr. William Chumley use to get Elwood Dowd to return home again? Is it successful?

(see the answer keys)

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