Harvesting the Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harvesting the Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Astrid do with Max that Robert thinks Nicholas would not like?
(a) Takes him outside in the cold.
(b) Takes him into the darkroom.
(c) Gives him chocolate.
(d) Shows the baby pictures of Paige.

2. Who finishes Alistair Forgerty's bypass surgery?
(a) Dr. Saget.
(b) Interns.
(c) Nicholas.
(d) Nurses.

3. Where had Nicholas never sat before the day of Max's surgery?
(a) Surgical waiting room.
(b) Nurses station.
(c) On the other side of the doctor's desk.
(d) Hospital chapel.

4. Where does Paige go to lie down and sleep after leaving Mass General with Max recuperating from surgery?
(a) A church pew.
(b) A grave.
(c) The hydrangea bushes.
(d) Her room at the Prescott house.

5. What does Nicholas do to warm up Paige after they leave Max in the hospital?
(a) He wraps her in a quilt.
(b) He gives her a bath.
(c) He goes to the emergency room.
(d) He layers her in clothes.

6. What does Paige draw all around Astrid in the portrait of her mother-in-law?
(a) Horses.
(b) Leaves.
(c) Cameras.
(d) Roses.

7. What is the lie that Nicholas realizes every surgeon lives?
(a) There is a cure for everything.
(b) The surgeon is not God.
(c) Babies always survive surgery.
(d) Everything will be fine.

8. What does Paige tell Nicholas about Max as she follows him during his rounds?
(a) He grew an inch.
(b) She loves him.
(c) He said "mama."
(d) She thinks he is getting sick.

9. What does Robert tell Paige to do when she tells him she is giving up and leaving town?
(a) Take Max and run.
(b) Give up.
(c) Lay low and give Nicholas time.
(d) Fight for her family.

10. Which of the following is NOT something Paige uses to decorate the bathroom the morning after Max's surgery?
(a) Lipstick.
(b) Eyeliner.
(c) Mascara.
(d) Toothpaste.

11. Astrid tells Max her own version of what famous fairytale?
(a) Sleeping Beauty.
(b) Beauty and the Beast.
(c) Snow White.
(d) Cinderella.

12. What does Nicholas do with the portraits Paige draws of him every time she draws a patient's portrait?
(a) Throws them away.
(b) Puts them in his desk drawer.
(c) Hangs them on his door.
(d) Frames them.

13. In part 3, what is alerting Paige that something is wrong with Max?
(a) His messy diaper.
(b) His crying.
(c) His eyes.
(d) His dry diaper.

14. Where does Paige go to clear her mind and figure out what to do about Nicholas not wanting her back?
(a) The Prescotts.
(b) The hospital.
(c) The mall.
(d) The graveyard.

15. What is the name of the horse that tosses May off when she breaks her ankle?
(a) Tony.
(b) Elmo.
(c) Donegal.
(d) Thunder.

Short Answer Questions

1. When they discuss being artists, what does Astrid tell Paige about May that surprises Paige?

2. What is the name of the pediatric specialist who diagnoses Max in Part 3?

3. When Paige rushes downstairs on a hunch that something is wrong with Max, who is standing at the Prescott's door waiting for her?

4. What is the name of the patient whose portrait Paige draws before he dies on Nicholas' operating table?

5. The day Paige returns home, Max has his first ______________.

(see the answer keys)

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