Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Test | Final Test - Easy

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 197 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Hermione trick Umbridge into stopping her plans to torture Harry?
(a) By acting as though she'd fainted in order to get hold of a wand.
(b) By convincing her they know the whereabouts of a weapon Dumbledore seeks.
(c) By pretending to turn on her friends and sell them out.
(d) By acting as though she is possessed by the ghost of Umbridge's mother.

2. What room are the children forced into when they run from the Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries?
(a) The room with the floating brains.
(b) The room with the rotating doors.
(c) The room with the three-headed dog.
(d) The room filled with floating keys.

3. Why wasn't Harry made a prefect?
(a) Dumbledore thought he had enough to worry about.
(b) He isn't popular enough at Hogwarts.
(c) His friends were much more qualified.
(d) Dumbledore didn't want to draw more attention to him.

4. Why does Harry break into Umbridge's office after his career counseling session?
(a) So he can destroy the files she is keeping on the students.
(b) So he can use the fireplace to speak with Sirius.
(c) To find more enchanted items that could get her arrested.
(d) To look for clues about the Ministry's agenda at Hogwarts.

5. Who does Dumbledore appoint as the new Divination professor?
(a) Firenze.
(b) Mundungus Fletcher.
(c) Mrs. Weasley.
(d) Hagrid.

6. Why does Dumbledore feel culpable for Sirius' death?
(a) He had the option to stop Sirius but was busy saving someone else.
(b) He has an overdeveloped sense of responsibility for his students.
(c) If he had been more honest with Harry, much of this could have been avoided.
(d) He had an argument with Sirius that resulted in Sirius going to the Ministry after Harry.

7. What mode of transport do the children choose to travel to the Ministry and save Sirius?
(a) Thestrals.
(b) Floo powder.
(c) A magic carpet.
(d) A flying car.

8. What happens when Umbridge learns of the newspaper article about Harry's encounter with Voldemort?
(a) She flies into a rage and forbids him from any future outings to Hogsmeade.
(b) She vows to make the newspaper reprint the article with the "truth" about Harry's lies.
(c) She assigns Harry to another two months of detention.
(d) She tries to expel Harry from Hogwarts but is stopped by Dumbledore.

9. What happens to the orb after Harry gives it to Neville?
(a) Neville takes it and flees the Ministry.
(b) It slips out of Neville's pocket and shatters.
(c) Neville shatters it against a wall so no one can get it.
(d) Bellatrix Lestrange attacks Neville and takes it.

10. What is the result of the hex Hermione placed on anyone that breaks the confidence of the D.A.?
(a) Horrible sores that spell "LIAR" across the forehead.
(b) An oozing green slime that pours from the ears.
(c) A voice that croaks like a bullfrog when trying to speak.
(d) Horrible sores that spell "SNEAK" across the face.

11. What does Kreacher tell Harry and Hermione about Sirius when they talk through the Floo powder?
(a) That he has been returned to Azkaban.
(b) That he's been captured by dementors.
(c) That he was hit by a car while changed into a dog.
(d) That he will never return from the Department of Mysteries.

12. What does the Sunday Prophet say about Harry and Voldemort after the showdown at the Ministry?
(a) The article redeems Harry's honor and confirms Voldemort's return.
(b) That Harrry was in league with Voldemort and should be arrested.
(c) Voldemort and Harry are destined to destroy one another.
(d) The article claims it's all a hoax and Harry is lying.

13. What takes Hermione and Harry away from watching the Quidditch Cup match?
(a) Hagrid comes to them asking for a favor.
(b) Malfoy hints that Sirius may be at the school.
(c) Umbridge accuses them of creating a swamp in the hallways.
(d) Dumbledore sends an owl with a message for Harry.

14. What does Harry learn about his recurring dream during his first Occlumency lesson?
(a) That the hallway he sees is inside the Ministry of Magic.
(b) That the snake is actually Voldemort.
(c) That it is a memory from his childhood after his family was killed.
(d) That he was actually in control and was responsible for the attack on Mr. Weasley.

15. What is shocking about Harry's fight with Lestrange?
(a) He uses a forbidden torture curse on her.
(b) How easily she defeats him.
(c) She won't fight him because they're related.
(d) She is too afraid to cast spells at Harry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Fred and George announce when they publicly quit Hogwarts?

2. What is the favor Hagrid needs the children to do for him?

3. Where does Hermione lead Umbridge within the Forbidden Forest?

4. What Quidditch Team wins the Quidditch Cup match?

5. Why won't Dumbledore let Harry leave his office when Harry begins throwing things around?

(see the answer keys)

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