Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new school?
(a) At the public library doing research on magic.
(b) With Ron Wesley.
(c) With Dudley and his friends.
(d) In his room looking over his new books.

2. What begins to happen that bothers Mr. Dursley?
(a) Odd occurrences.
(b) The neighbors being shunning them.
(c) A dog keeps doing his business on his yard.
(d) A flock of birds keep dropping poop on his car.

3. How many years have passed in the opening of Chapter 2 since Harry was dropped off at the Dursleys?
(a) 15.
(b) 4.
(c) 10.
(d) 13.

4. Who is Fluffy?
(a) Hagrid's barn owl.
(b) The three-headed dog.
(c) A cat that used to be a dark arts witch.
(d) A newly born dragon.

5. Why does Mr. Dursley nail up the windows and doors on the house?
(a) To keep letters addressed to Harry from getting inside.
(b) There is a hurricane coming.
(c) To keep the roaches out.
(d) To escape a locust hoard.

6. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?
(a) A list of the clothing he would like to purchase for school.
(b) A list of all the times his aunt and uncle have been mean to him.
(c) Something he has wanted for each birthday he that has not been celebrated.
(d) The required list for the school term.

7. In Chapter 3, when is Harry's next birthday?
(a) No one knows when Harry was born.
(b) The next day after they arrive on the island.
(c) It was just past a few weeks ago.
(d) In two months.

8. What does Hermione see when she scans the crowd with Hagrid's binoculars during the Quidditch match between Griffindor and Slytherin?
(a) Malfoy reading out of a spell book.
(b) A strange-looking gnome.
(c) Dumbledore walking through the stands.
(d) Snape mumbling under his breath.

9. What does Mr. Dursley notice happening in broad daylight?
(a) Criminals walking in the neighborhood.
(b) Streetlamps turning on.
(c) Owls flying overhead.
(d) Robberies of little old ladies.

10. Who are the Dursleys?
(a) Cousins to the Grangers.
(b) Harry Potter's aunt and uncle.
(c) A magician and his wife.
(d) The heads of Diagon Alley.

11. To what does Malfoy challenge Harry in Chapter 9?
(a) A worm-eating contest.
(b) A writing contest.
(c) A wizard duel.
(d) A card game.

12. Why are Harry and Dudley going to different schools?
(a) Dudley does not qualify for the magnet school Harry will attend.
(b) They are in different grades.
(c) Harry declined to go to the private school Dudley will attend.
(d) Dudley will attend a private school, and Harry the public school.

13. How do the Dursleys act towards Harry in his last month there before school?
(a) They pretend he does not exist.
(b) They do not allow him to stay there.
(c) They harass him constantly.
(d) They are overly friendly.

14. What is the characteristic(s) of the Gryffindors?
(a) Wit.
(b) Creativeness.
(c) Bravery.
(d) Hard workers.

15. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?
(a) He asks for Harry's autograph.
(b) Harry gets the willies.
(c) A fight ensues.
(d) Ron leaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word does Harry hear in the train station that makes him follow a large family?

2. What is the characteristic(s) of the Hufflepuffs?

3. Who is Mrs. Norris?

4. How does Harry catch the Snitch in Chapter 11?

5. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they are going?

(see the answer keys)

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