Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. It was December of what year that Harriet Tubman set out with the band of fugitives she planned to take to Canada in Chapter 14: “The Railroad Runs to Canada”?
(a) 1851.
(b) 1859.
(c) 1854.
(d) 1847.

2. What was the name of John Tubman’s new wife when Harriet returned for him in Chapter 12: “Freedom’s Clothes”?
(a) Ellen.
(b) Eliza.
(c) Mary.
(d) Caroline.

3. Who was the one woman in the group of fugitives that Harriet was helping North in November of 1856 in Chapter 18: “A Wagon Load of Bricks”?
(a) Catherine Kane.
(b) Eliza Nokey.
(c) Ellen Craft.
(d) Mary Patterson.

4. Harriet told the slave refugees that William Garrett would give everyone what when they arrived in Chapter 14: “The Railroad Runs to Canada”?
(a) Shoes.
(b) Bread.
(c) Blankets.
(d) Water.

5. Who was the United States Commissioner who presided at Thomas Sims’s hearing?
(a) John Campbell Henry.
(b) Thomas Sims.
(c) Peter Jackson.
(d) George Ticknor Curtis.

6. What was Millard Fillmore’s title when he received a letter from Reverend Theodore Parker in Chapter 12: “Freedom’s Clothes”?
(a) President of the United States.
(b) Mayor of Boston.
(c) Governor of Virginia.
(d) Vice President of the United States.

7. What runaway slave was arrested and going to trial on April 27, 1860, according to the author in Chapter 21: “With the Union Army”?
(a) Mingo Harth.
(b) John Tubman.
(c) Nat Turner.
(d) Charles Nalle.

8. Benjamin Ross was described in the records as being how old in Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers”?
(a) 28.
(b) 35.
(c) 16.
(d) 43.

9. William Still supplied Harriet with money and sent her and the refugees on to what city in Chapter 15: “Go On or Die”?
(a) Schenectady, New York.
(b) Boston, Massachusetts.
(c) Southampton, Virginia.
(d) Burlington, New Jersey.

10. According to the records taken in Chapter 17: “Moses Arrives with Six Passengers,” John Ross had left behind his wife whose name was what?
(a) Mary.
(b) Betty Lou.
(c) Harriet Ann.
(d) Rebecca.

11. The escaped slave that Harriet helped flee from the courthouse in Chapter 21: “With the Union Army” was driven rapidly to what location before he went on to the West?
(a) Boston, Massachusetts.
(b) Concord, New Hampshire.
(c) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
(d) Schenectady, New York.

12. Harriet Tubman worked a summer where to save her money to go South and persuade John Tubman to join her in the North?
(a) Bucktown, Maryland.
(b) Schenectady, New York.
(c) Cape May, New Jersey.
(d) Southampton, Virginia.

13. Who told Harriet in Chapter 20: “The Lecture Platform” that he had a letter from Franklin Sanborn relating John Brown’s goal of obtaining recruits in Canada?
(a) John Bowley.
(b) Jacob Jackson.
(c) Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
(d) George Ticknor Curtis.

14. Of what did Harriet think in Chapter 12: “Freedom’s Clothes” “did not change a person, did not really matter”?
(a) “Religion.”
(b) “Wealth.”
(c) “Education.”
(d) “Clothes.”

15. On what date was John Brown executed?
(a) December 2, 1859.
(b) March 6, 1862.
(c) October 27, 1861.
(d) June 17, 1854.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did William Still publish the book of slaves’ records in The Underground Railroad?

2. What was the name of William Henry Ross’s fiancée that he brought with him on the trip North in Chapter 16: “Be Ready to Step on Board”?

3. When was Sarah Hopkins Bradford’s book Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman published?

4. Where did Harriet go to rest and see her parents in the spring of 1864?

5. By what name did Harriet refer to Maryland in Chapter 13: “The Legend of Moses”?

(see the answer keys)

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