Harlem Gallery Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Harlem Gallery Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Liberia represent in "Libretto for the Republic of Liberia"?
(a) A new Africa.
(b) Corruption.
(c) Freedom.
(d) Hell.

2. According to "Omicron," what is the school of the artist?
(a) Government.
(b) Buildings.
(c) Nature.
(d) The church.

3. What does the poet of "The Idols of the Tribe" believe is in every society?
(a) An unheard voice.
(b) Peace.
(c) A Hitler figure.
(d) Hunger.

4. Who does the poet compare the people of Liberia to?
(a) Lazarus.
(b) Satan.
(c) Lincoln.
(d) God.

5. What is culturally empty compared to Liberia according to "Libretto for the Republic of Liberia"?
(a) America.
(b) The theater.
(c) Asia.
(d) Europe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the "Libretto for the Republic of Liberia" dedicated to?

2. What is a tyrant made of?

3. In "Epsilon," what is the worst thing an artist can receive?

4. What religion was celebrated in Timbuktu?

5. What does the white god in "The Idols of the Tribe" eat?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of the word tapestries in the poem "Tapestries of Time"?

2. What might have been the reason Tolson elects to use the Greek alphabet to separate his poem Harlem Gallery?

3. What does the poem "Libretto for the Republic of Liberia" mean when it suggests that America is the narrator's mother and Liberia is his wife.

4. Describe the different Gods Tolson describes in "The Idols of the Tribe."

5. Why does the poem "The Idols of the Tribe" open with a quote from Hitler?

6. How does Tolson believe tyrants remain in power?

7. What does the Curator think about Hideho Heights? Why does he feel this way?

8. According to Tolson in the poem "The Idols of the Tribe," who is likely to worship false idols?

9. What is the significance of separating "Libretto for the Republic of Liberia" into musical segments?

10. What is the danger of worshiping false idols according to Tolson?

(see the answer keys)

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