Happy Trails Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 47 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Happy Trails Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 47 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who holds Hector in the photograph the narrator has of him?
(a) His aunt, Agitha.
(b) His grandmother, Agnes.
(c) HIs mother, Alice.
(d) His sister, Abbeth.

2. At the graveside, what does the narrator hope whoever killed Hector would do?
(a) Commit suicide.
(b) Send him a letter telling him where his body was buried.
(c) Pray for forgiveness.
(d) Turn himself in.

3. Which South Dakota battle does the narrator say the U.S. Army massacred hundreds of unarmed people?
(a) Rosebud.
(b) Little Bighorn.
(c) Wounded Knee.
(d) Fallen Timbers.

4. What did one mourner say white archeologists would do 100 years from now after Hector's grave was buried?
(a) Come up with some nonsense reason the empty coffin was buried.
(b) Put the empty coffin in a museum.
(c) Try to find out who buried and empty coffin.
(d) Find the empty coffin and wonder what it all means.

5. Who does the narrator say he knows is buried in Hector's empty coffin?
(a) His great-grandmother.
(b) His entire tribe.
(c) His father.
(d) His mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. At Hector's grave, the narrator wonders if it is possible for an Indian to die in what way?

2. How old was Hector's grandmother when she moved to the newly formed Coeur d'Alene reservation?

3. Who does the narrator say likely killed Hector by accident?

4. The narrator says that Hector's grandmother's children were the first generation to do what?

5. At the graveside, what does the narrator hope the Indians who killed Hector did as they "buried his body deep in the woods" (3)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the narrator hopes the Indians who killed his uncle did as they buried him?

2. What does the narrator say about why he does not know the mourning song his mother "whisper-sang" (3) after the mourners left the cemetery?

3. At the cemetery, who does the narrator imagine is in Hector's casket?

4. Why does the narrator feel certain Hector would not have been killed by a white man?

5. What does one of the mourners say will happen in 100 years before they leave the cemetery?

6. What is the best thing the narrator's father ever said to him?

7. What does the narrator plan to do at the end of the story?

8. How does the narrator feel at the end of the story standing in the cemetery?

9. Why does the narrator feel certain Hector was most likely killed by a member of his own tribe?

10. How does the narrator imagine Hector met his death after leaving for Spokane?

(see the answer keys)

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