Happy-Go-Lucky Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 231 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Happy-Go-Lucky Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 231 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: "Smile, Beautiful" through "Lucky-Go-Happy".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Lucky-Go-Happy," why does the desk clerk at one hotel refuse to believe that the shirt Sedaris left behind belongs to him?
(a) Sedaris cannot clearly describe it.
(b) It is in a size much larger than Sedaris would wear.
(c) Its style strikes the clerk as feminine.
(d) The shirt has someone else's name sewn into it.

2. Where were Sedaris's friends living when the man drove a vehicle into their home?
(a) In a national park.
(b) At a marina.
(c) At an airport.
(d) In a converted church.

3. In "Hurricane Season," where does Sedaris get the idea for the name he wants to call the rental house?
(a) At the grocery store.
(b) From one of his own essays.
(c) From a movie.
(d) At the hardware store.

4. In "The Vacuum," what does Sedaris's agent say will put sex workers out of business?
(a) Climate change.
(b) The pandemic.
(c) Internet pornography.
(d) Sex robots.

5. In "Hurricane Season," what information does Gretchen habitually irritate Sedaris with?
(a) She tells him about her past sexual experiences.
(b) She tells him things Hugh has said behind his back.
(c) She tells him about online criticism of him.
(d) She tells him her theories about what her dreams mean.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Fresh-Caught Haddock," what does Sedaris imply is true about attempts to point out various forms of racism in America?

2. Where does the title of the essay "Lady Marmalade" come from?

3. In "Highfalutin," what is Sedaris insulted at being mistaken for?

4. In "Happy-Go-Lucky," what is Lou wearing when Sedaris, Amy, and Hugh go to visit him?

5. In "Highfalutin," what does Sedaris say is the "saddest development in New York" in the last few decades (82)?

(see the answer key)

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