Hamnet Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Maggie O'Farrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Hamnet Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Maggie O'Farrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part I, Chapters 10-12.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose initial calmness in regards to Agnes’s pregnancy surprised the tutor in Chapter 4?
(a) Eliza.
(b) Mary.
(c) Agnes.
(d) John.

2. What physical trait of Agnes’s stepmother was it rumored had something to to with Agnes?
(a) The boils on her face.
(b) The cut on her lip.
(c) The rash on her hands.
(d) Her limp.

3. What does Hamnet ask his mother about Judith when she sees her upstairs for the first time in Chapter 7?
(a) He asks if he will get sick too.
(b) He asks if Judith has the pestilence.
(c) He asks if Judith will die.
(d) He asks if his mother is feeling ill.

4. What did John ask his son when they were alone after Agnes’s pregnancy was revealed?
(a) If he really was the father.
(b) If he knew what a responsibility parenthood was.
(c) Why he wanted to marry that witch.
(d) If he has impregnated anyone else.

5. Where does Agnes go after dropping honey and herbs off at home without realizing Hamnet and Judith are upstairs?
(a) The market.
(b) The cookhouse.
(c) The guildhall.
(d) Back to Hewlands.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bartholomew explain to Joan that she does not have the right to decide when they find out Agnes is pregnant?

2. How many years before Judith’s illness does Chapter 2 begin?

3. What happens when the glass maker returns to Murano after the cabin boy helped him with his boxes?

4. Who is the first to come home in Chapter 3 after Hamnet, not knowing Hamnet and Judith are upstairs?

5. What did Eliza and her brother find in the attic which upset their father?

(see the answer key)

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