Hamnet Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Maggie O'Farrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Hamnet Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Maggie O'Farrell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part I, Chapter 17, Part II, pp. 217-244. .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when the glass maker returns to Murano after the cabin boy helped him with his boxes?
(a) He dies.
(b) So many coworkers fall ill they have to stop production.
(c) Work is so backed up he cannot rest.
(d) He gets married.

2. What Shakespearen play is quoted at the beginning of Part II of Hamnet?
(a) Romeo and Juliet.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) Macbeth.
(d) King Lear.

3. What happens to the artisan’s fingers after the disastrous event in his workplace?
(a) They have to be amputated.
(b) They turn black.
(c) They are stuck together.
(d) They cannot move.

4. Who is the person who is certain where Agnes has gone to give birth in chapter 10?
(a) Bartholomew.
(b) Joan.
(c) Mary.
(d) Agnes’s husband.

5. With whom does Agnes speak briefly at the market in Chapter 10?
(a) The maid.
(b) The dairyman.
(c) The baker’s wife.
(d) The butcher.

Short Answer Questions

1. What year is it at the start of Chapter 10?

2. Which family member is said to cry constantly after Hamnet’s death in Part II?

3. Who does Agnes find looking pale at the bottom of the stairs at the end of Chapter 5?

4. What animal catches the cabin boy’s attention after he leaves the ship in Chapter 11?

5. In what part of Hewlands do Agnes and the Latin tutor make love for the first time in Chapter 4?

(see the answer key)

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