Half of Paradise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Half of Paradise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Winfield say he needs drugs?
(a) To help him relax.
(b) To stop him thinking of the past.
(c) To help him in his career.
(d) To enjoy women.

2. What member of the party gets extremely drunk?
(a) Suzanne.
(b) Wally.
(c) Martha.
(d) Broussard.

3. Why does Winfield say he wants Hunnicut out of his room?
(a) He is too goddamn ugly.
(b) He smells bad.
(c) He has no senstivitiy.
(d) He is houting too loud.

4. Who releases the dogs that attack Boudreaux on the slope?
(a) Evans.
(b) Burke.
(c) Jackson.
(d) Dillinger.

5. Which two people does Hunnicut say have made Lathrop's career?
(a) David and Seth.
(b) Hunnicut and Lathrop.
(c) April and Seth.
(d) Troy and Hunnicut.

6. Why was Winfield's brother murdered?
(a) He killed a servant.
(b) He robbed a bank.
(c) He refused to sell his farm.
(d) He has an affair with a black woman.

7. Why does Hunnicut say Winfield will find it difficult to get a job in Nashville?
(a) No one hires junkies.
(b) He is too old.
(c) He will put around a bad word.
(d) Word about bad performances spread quickly.

8. What does Boudreaux feel like he has twisted in his gut?
(a) Clay.
(b) Metal.
(c) Bricks.
(d) Mud.

9. Why does Boudreaux decide against killing Evans?
(a) He has the character to redeem himself.
(b) He has already been hit.
(c) He has a young family.
(d) There will always be another like him.

10. What is the name of Winfield's friend who he has a wild night with in this section?
(a) Dennis.
(b) Jose.
(c) Clois.
(d) Wren.

11. What are Suzanne and Broussard hosting in this section?
(a) A picnic.
(b) An Easter egg hunt.
(c) A barbecue.
(d) A dinner party.

12. Where is Boudreaux shot?
(a) In his stomach.
(b) In his leg.
(c) In his chest.
(d) In his head.

13. What drug does Winfield take on the train back to Nashville?
(a) Ecstasy.
(b) Heroin.
(c) Cocaine.
(d) Benzedrine.

14. Where does Boudreaux have to dump the stumps?
(a) In a shed.
(b) In the forest.
(c) On a fire.
(d) In a pit.

15. What is Broussard charged with?
(a) Abusive behavior.
(b) Witholding information.
(c) Drunk driving.
(d) Obscenity.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name does Hunnicut call Winfield in this section?

2. Which two characters in Winfield's life detest each other?

3. What does Boudreaux suffer from after he drinks the water?

4. What does Boudreaux want to wait to darkness to do?

5. How do the crowd react to Winfield's performance?

(see the answer keys)

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