Half of a Yellow Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Half of a Yellow Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which of the following societies does Olanna take office?
(a) Salvation Army.
(b) Red Cross.
(c) United Way.
(d) St. Vincent de Paul.

2. Which of the following books is given to Olanna’s schooling efforts?
(a) No Longer at Ease.
(b) Chike and the River.
(c) There Was a Country.
(d) Things Fall Apart.

3. Which of the following supplies does Olanna offer to Alice?
(a) Ovaltine.
(b) Sugar.
(c) Dried milk.
(d) Salt.

4. What does Harrison use to feign injury in the hopes of passing unmolested?
(a) Goat blood.
(b) Berry juice.
(c) Beets.
(d) Dirt and feces.

5. What does Ugwu report is taken from his uncle in an attempt to work bad medicine against him?
(a) A piece of hair.
(b) A piece of fingernail.
(c) A piece of shirtsleeve.
(d) A piece of underwear.

6. Which of the following is the name of the Swedish pilot with whom Richard speaks?
(a) Von Braun.
(b) Van Damme.
(c) Von Richtofen.
(d) Von Rosen.

7. Which of the following roofs the bunker Odenigbo and others in the neighborhood build?
(a) Banana trunks.
(b) Palm trunks.
(c) Iron sheeting
(d) Zinc sheeting.

8. The phrase “onye ocha” carries what meaning in the text?
(a) Black man.
(b) Black woman.
(c) White man.
(d) White woman.

9. For which of the following does Olanna note Odenigbo works?
(a) Agitator Corps.
(b) Peace Corps.
(c) Marine Corps.
(d) Provisioner Corps.

10. Which of the following cities reportedly sees demonstrations in response to starvation in Biafra?
(a) Moscow.
(b) Warsaw.
(c) Prague.
(d) Budeapest.

11. In which of the following does Kainene buy a house?
(a) Orlu.
(b) Onitsha.
(c) Owerri.
(d) Omet’iklan.

12. Which of the following does Ugwu associate with witchcraft?
(a) Massed flies.
(b) Gathering stormclouds.
(c) Barking dogs.
(d) Hooting owls.

13. Which of the following does Olanna see take a chick?
(a) A buzzard.
(b) A vulture.
(c) A kite.
(d) An ostrich.

14. In which of the following does Richard report meeting Ojukwu?
(a) Omet’iklan.
(b) Onitsha.
(c) Orlu.
(d) Owerri.

15. Which of the following does Odenigbo pull from a Red Cross package?
(a) YooHoo
(b) Swiss Miss.
(c) Ovaltine.
(d) Nestle Quik.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following nations is reported to recognize an independent Biafra?

2. Which of the following offices does Olanna take?

3. Which of the following foods has Harrison cooked when Richard confesses his perfidy to Kainene?

4. Which of the following kinds of trees surrounds the house Kainene buys?

5. What name does Odenigbo’s mother give to his child?

(see the answer keys)

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