A short-lived revolutionary nation, this region attempts to secede from Nigeria. It serves as an emblem of attempted self-rule by formerly colonized African peoples, and its failure offers a dim view of prospects for the same.
Dark Swoops
A metaphorical name, these phenomena correspond to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Their early appearance marks Olanna’s introduction to horror; that they disappear from the text indicates her increasing acculturation to the terrors of armed conflict.
“getting buttocks rashes defecating in imported buckets”
This phrase is repeatedly used to describe a poem written and read aloud by one of Odenigbo’s associates. It bespeaks the perils of too much reliance on the outside world.
A German philosopher, this intellectual enjoys a place of privilege in academic and theoretical discourse. Reference to him, therefore, can be taken as shorthand for reference to European philosophy and culture, generally.
Kola Nut
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