The Hairy Ape Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hairy Ape Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Long do when he realizes Yank won't stop causing trouble?
(a) Leaves.
(b) Pulls Yank to away.
(c) Calls the police.
(d) Pins Yank down.

2. Where do the voices say they have seen Douglas' picture?
(a) The television.
(b) The cinema.
(c) The magazines.
(d) The newspapers.

3. What game are two of the men in the office playing?
(a) Checkers.
(b) Chess.
(c) Backgammon.
(d) Scrabble.

4. What does a woman cry in ecstasy about?
(a) Monkey fur.
(b) A working class man.
(c) A pink Cadillac.
(d) Diamond earrings.

5. What does Yank think the IWW want to do?
(a) Murder company presidents.
(b) Take over America.
(c) Blow things up.
(d) Get with society women.

6. Why do the voices decide to let Yank rave?
(a) It will do him good.
(b) It is fun listening.
(c) They can get rid of him.
(d) It will send them to sleep.

7. What does Yank say he is wise to?
(a) The stiffs.
(b) The world.
(c) The game.
(d) The police.

8. What does a voice advise Yank to join if he wants to get back at the girl?
(a) The Wobblies.
(b) The navy.
(c) The Steel Workers.
(d) The army.

9. Who tells Yank to enter the room when he knocks?
(a) All the workers.
(b) The manager.
(c) The assistant manager.
(d) The secretary.

10. What newspaper does a voice say a guard gave him?
(a) The Sunday Times.
(b) The Guardian.
(c) The Daily Echo.
(d) The New York Post.

11. What word does Long use for food?
(a) Scran.
(b) Nibbles.
(c) Scoff.
(d) Grub.

12. What does Long refer to Yank as when people start exiting the church?
(a) Tiger.
(b) Comrade.
(c) Blue.
(d) Hairy ape.

13. What does a voice say will happen if people don't calm down?
(a) They will be given a longer sentence.
(b) The guards will come down.
(c) The guards will put Yank into isolation.
(d) The alarms will sound.

14. What does the Secretary they have none of?
(a) Secrets.
(b) Stiff.
(c) Passcodes.
(d) Women.

15. What does the gentleman say to Yank when he bumps into him?
(a) Who do you think you are.
(b) I beg your pardon.
(c) Excuse me sir.
(d) Are you from around here.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of men does the secretary say he needs?

2. Where did Yank wait for Mildred in Southampton?

3. What do the voices say the sermon was about?

4. What does Yank say is the charge against him?

5. What kind of building does Yank point to?

(see the answer keys)

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