Gym Candy Test | Final Test - Medium

Carl Deuker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gym Candy Test | Final Test - Medium

Carl Deuker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 4, Chapter 10, Mick is complimented for his improved ability at what?
(a) Tackling.
(b) Throwing.
(c) Sprinting.
(d) Receiving.

2. How close is it to the end of school when Mick slams a student into a locker, making him cry, in Part 4, Chapter 3?
(a) The last day.
(b) Third to last day.
(c) Second to last day.
(d) Fifth to last day.

3. Carl Deuker was raised where?
(a) Cody, Wyoming.
(b) Portland, Oregon.
(c) Berkeley, California.
(d) Redwood City, California.

4. Mick is eager to play, but he realizes he isn't what in Part 5, Chapter 14?
(a) Starting.
(b) Healthy.
(c) Rested.
(d) Mentally prepared.

5. When Mick is questioned in Part 5, Chapter 4, he is asked the name of whom?
(a) His father.
(b) His mother.
(c) His trainer.
(d) His coach.

Short Answer Questions

1. Getting suspended would be like throwing away Mick's position to whom in Part 4, Chapter 3?

2. What does the referee call against Mick in Part 5, Chapter 9?

3. What does Mick tell Peter he is against in Part 4, Chapter 5?

4. During the game in Part 5, Chapter 3, at first Shilshole is down, but what move by Mick turns the tide of the game?

5. Mick feels as though he has lost whom in Part 4, Chapter 10?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the outcome of the first game of the season in Part 5, Chapter 1? How does Mick feel about his performance?

2. What are Mick's actions in Part 5, Chapter 2? What emotions drive those actions?

3. What does Mick realize about his friendship with Drew in Part 5, Chapter 5?

4. How are the steroids affecting Mick in Part 4, Chapter 2?

5. What opportunity does Mick decide to take in Part 4, Chapter 12?

6. How is spirituality and religion explored in Epilogue, Chapter 2?

7. What is the outcome of the game in Part 5, Chapter 14? Why is this significant?

8. How does Mick attempt to train in Part 5, Chapter 6? What internal conflict does he face?

9. What is significant about Mick's attacking a fellow student in Part 4, Chapter 3?

10. What causes animosity and suspicion between Mick and Drew in Part 5, Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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