Gym Candy Test | Final Test - Easy

Carl Deuker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gym Candy Test | Final Test - Easy

Carl Deuker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Carl Deuker live and work today?
(a) Seattle, Washington.
(b) Chicago, Illinois.
(c) Denver, Colorado.
(d) Salt Lake City, Utah.

2. Coach Carlson's plan in the first game of the season in Part 5, Chapter 1 is what?
(a) Run a lot and pray for a miracle.
(b) Pass over the middle.
(c) Just get in field goal range.
(d) Drive at the defense and outdo them.

3. Who confronts Mick about taking his bag into the bathroom in Part 5, Chapter 13?
(a) Drew.
(b) Kaylee.
(c) Matt.
(d) DaShawn.

4. Mick runs back into the locker room, citing an excuse about what in Part 5, Chapter 7?
(a) His elbow.
(b) His stomach.
(c) His knee.
(d) His forehead.

5. What is the name of Mick's counselor at the rehabilitation center in Epilogue, Chapter 2?
(a) Mr. Riley.
(b) Mr. Mayberry.
(c) Mr. Edwards.
(d) Mr. Smith.

6. Coach Carlson cuts back on Mick's playing time for what reason in Part 5, Chapter 6?
(a) His attitude.
(b) He isn't playing well.
(c) To give him a rest.
(d) He doesn't like him.

7. Mick feels as though he has lost whom in Part 4, Chapter 10?
(a) Matt.
(b) Kaylee.
(c) DaShawn.
(d) Melissa.

8. The first game of the season is against what team in Part 5, Chapter 1?
(a) Foothill High.
(b) The Franklin Quakers.
(c) Garfield High.
(d) The Seattle Marlins.

9. What does Peter offer to find for Mick in Part 5, Chapter 3?
(a) Another trainer.
(b) Heroin.
(c) Hormones.
(d) Morphine.

10. What team wins in Part 5, Chapter 14?
(a) Anderson High.
(b) Roger's High.
(c) Shilshole High.
(d) Garfield High.

11. Mick goes to Peter and asks for pills to do what in Part 4, Chapter 5?
(a) Clean out his system.
(b) Make him have visions.
(c) Kill pain.
(d) Make him sleep.

12. What refers to the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma?
(a) Subordinate.
(b) Cataclysm.
(c) Directive.
(d) Addiction.

13. Who meets up with Mick and asks him to come to the volleyball game to support Kaylee in Part 5, Chapter 2?
(a) Natalie.
(b) DaShawn.
(c) Drew.
(d) Matt.

14. When was Carl Deuker born?
(a) 1963.
(b) 1938.
(c) 1971.
(d) 1950.

15. Peter arranges for what in Part 4, Chapter 2?
(a) A more intense workout.
(b) A less intense workout.
(c) Mick to get XTR.
(d) Mick to get promoted.

Short Answer Questions

1. What month is it when Drew notices his chest growing from the steroids in Part 4, Chapter 5?

2. What does Mick's mother leave with him at the rehabilitation center in Epilogue, Chapter 2?

3. Mick makes the papers for his game and sees that he has done what in Part 5, Chapter 2?

4. What does Mick's mother tell him after dinner in Part 5, Chapter 5?

5. Who does Mick get a call from in Part 4, Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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