Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Gulliver notes that hundreds of what sort of animal are kept by the royal family?

2. How old is the farmer's daughter?

3. How long does it take Gulliver to learn the language of the Lilliputians?

4. How are the commoners punished for shooting arrows at Gulliver?

5. Gulliver gets lost while running where?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Gulliver describe the country where the giants live?

2. How does Gulliver describe the emperor's attitude during Gulliver's capture?

3. Explain what the provisions of Gulliver's release say about how the little people view Gulliver and about their attitude.

4. What are the circumstances of Gulliver's eventual freedom?

5. Swift meant for this part of the book to be a satire on the French government and he uses the size of everything as a farce against the government. Swift is saying that he believes that everything in France is bigger. At the time, Louis the XVI was the king of France and Louis loved to build huge estates and use his wealth for his own desires. King Louis was known to not know or care about the conditions of the people whom he governed. Knowing that, how does Part 2, Chapter 4 mirror activities in France?

6. Why doesn't the emperor want Gulliver alive anymore and how does this reveal the emperor's true nature?

7. Describe the misunderstanding that the emperor's men have about Gulliver's watch.

8. Describe what happens to Gulliver at the Inn and what the farmer decides to do with him afterward.

9. Describe at least four of the provisions of Gulliver's release.

10. Describe the conditions on the voyage where Gulliver's ship runs into a string of bad luck.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Explain, using details from the story, the difference between how Gulliver is treated by the farmer when they first meet and how Gulliver is treated by the farmer towards the end of the time that Gulliver is in the farmer's possession. Also, have you ever been the victim of someone who treated you one way to begin with and completely differently later on? If so, explain. If not, have you ever treated someone else one way at first and differently later on? If so, why?

Essay Topic 2

Of all of the places that Gulliver visits in his travels, which one do you feel is most run like a conventional modern society and why? Use examples from the book and real life to support your answer. Also, do you feel like being like a conventional society is a good thing, or do you think that some of the other places that Gulliver traveled to were run better? Explain your answer in detail.

Essay Topic 3

In writing about the Laputans, Swift takes an interesting stand on science, believing that, while it can be good, it can also consume people, if their theories aren't sound. Using examples from the book, as well as real life, explain, in detail, about whether or not you think science is a good thing or a bad thing and why.

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