Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which item did Gulliver hide from the Lilliputian guards?
(a) a telescope
(b) pistols
(c) a razor
(d) a comb

2. Who came to see Gulliver, after he was rescued from the animal?
(a) the king and queen
(b) the king alone
(c) the farmer and his wife
(d) the queen alone

3. What do the Lilliputians do to people who are not honest?
(a) kill them
(b) banish them
(c) put them in jail
(d) make them work the worst jobs

4. During the journey, Gulliver awakes only once when a couple of the curious accidentally make him do what?
(a) kick
(b) cough
(c) sneeze
(d) jump

5. How does Gulliver's sword scare the guards?
(a) Gulliver pretends to use the sword to stab at them.
(b) The sword catches the light and blinds them.
(c) The sword falls to the ground and almost crushes them.
(d) Gulliver thros the sword across the room and it sticks in the ground next to the king.

Short Answer Questions

1. Gulliver makes up what sort of game?

2. Due to trade and the fact that many of the people send their children to the opposite island to become more worldly, what does Gulliver say happens?

3. The main city is how many miles long?

4. Gulliver decides to seize the enemy's what?

5. Gulliver notes that hundreds of what sort of animal are kept by the royal family?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe some of the mishaps that Gulliver describes in part 2, chapter 5.

2. Was it a good idea for the emperor to have Gulliver taught the language? Why or why not?

3. Describe the misunderstanding that the emperor's men have about Gulliver's watch.

4. How does Gulliver say that criminals are treated by the Lilliputians?

5. What is the king's attitude toward Gulliver in all of Part 2, Chapter 5?

6. What are the circumstances of Gulliver's eventual freedom?

7. What is the emperor of the little people like? What type of personality does he seem to have?

8. Describe the relationship between Gulliver and the farmer's daughter.

9. How is the treatment Gulliver gets from the queen who buys him from the farmer, different from the treatment Gulliver got from the farmer?

10. Why does the secretary tell Gulliver that the Lilliputians and the people of Blefuscu are at war?

(see the answer keys)

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