Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gulliver's Travels Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the people decide to take Gulliver?
(a) the capital city
(b) out into the ocean
(c) home
(d) the woods

2. One young man is beaten and thrown out because he tries to shoot what at Gulliver's head?
(a) a nut
(b) a rock
(c) an arrow
(d) a gun

3. How does Gulliver's sword scare the guards?
(a) The sword catches the light and blinds them.
(b) Gulliver pretends to use the sword to stab at them.
(c) Gulliver thros the sword across the room and it sticks in the ground next to the king.
(d) The sword falls to the ground and almost crushes them.

4. Which item did Gulliver hide from the Lilliputian guards?
(a) a razor
(b) a comb
(c) pistols
(d) a telescope

5. In the garden, Gulliver was once carried off by what color spaniel?
(a) brown
(b) white
(c) gray
(d) black

Short Answer Questions

1. Gulliver is once captured by what sort of animal?

2. How do the Lilliputians write on paper?

3. How long is Gulliver told it will be before the reading of the articles?

4. What strange item do the men find, a few days after Gulliver's game is played?

5. Due to trade and the fact that many of the people send their children to the opposite island to become more worldly, what does Gulliver say happens?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what happens to Gulliver at the Inn and what the farmer decides to do with him afterward.

2. Describe at least four of the provisions of Gulliver's release.

3. What is the king's attitude toward Gulliver in all of Part 2, Chapter 5?

4. Why doesn't the emperor want Gulliver alive anymore and how does this reveal the emperor's true nature?

5. What is the emperor of the little people like? What type of personality does he seem to have?

6. About a month after Gulliver is freed, the principal secretary pays him a visit. What does the secretary explain to Gulliver about the problems facing the Lilliputians and how does Gulliver's freedom factor in?

7. Explain how it is decided whether Gulliver will be killed or not.

8. How does Gulliver describe the emperor's attitude during Gulliver's capture?

9. Explain what the provisions of Gulliver's release say about how the little people view Gulliver and about their attitude.

10. What are the differences between how the giants in Part 2, Chapter 1 treat Gulliver initially and how the Lilliputians had treated him?

(see the answer keys)

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