Guilty Pleasures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Guilty Pleasures Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has burn marks in the eyes made by Holy Water being thrown?
(a) Nikolaos.
(b) Theresa.
(c) Jean-Claude.
(d) Valentine.

2. What special ability do all vampires have that surprises Anita?
(a) They can fly.
(b) They can turn into animals.
(c) They can stay under water for hours.
(d) They can become invisible.

3. Who is Anita's boss?
(a) Edward.
(b) Jean-Claude.
(c) Zachary.
(d) Bert.

4. Why is Ronnie at Anita's house in Chapter 16?
(a) Ronnie and Anita were planning to go to the gym.
(b) Ronnie and Anita were planning to go to Guilty Pleasures.
(c) Ronnie and Anita were planning to go raise the dead.
(d) Ronnie and Anita are going to meet with the King Rat.

5. What musical composer does Anita fall asleep listening to in Chapter 2?
(a) Bach.
(b) Mozart.
(c) Chopin.
(d) Beethoven.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kills the two unidentified men at the beginning of Chapter 5?

2. What does Anita claim to have been the most frightening thing she has seen all afternoon in Chapter 23?

3. What type of music does Anita hear in the beginning of Chapter 14?

4. Who is Anita referring to when she says, "You look like a B-movie Dracula"?

5. Anita needs ________ to kill a vampire.

Short Essay Questions

1. What role does Monica play in Chapter 7?

2. According to Phillip, how does Nikolaos punish her vampires?

3. Describe Phillip. What do Phillip and Anita Blake have in common?

4. What does Phillip advise Anita to wear to a freak party?

5. Who attacks Anita at Guilty Pleasures? What type of weapon does Anita use to defend herself?

6. What is Rebecca Miles's initial reaction to Anita showing up at her apartment?

7. Why does Monica Vespucci call Anita?

8. What does Anita reveal is her weakness?

9. Why does Anita make Crystal cry at the freak party?

10. Why does the wererat King come into Anita's cell?

(see the answer keys)

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