Guerrilla Warfare Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Guerrilla Warfare Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A guerrilla army is organized into units of 100-150 men is called what?
(a) Columns.
(b) Troops.
(c) Squads.
(d) Brigades.

2. Despite the advantages that a guerrilla may find in rough terrain, he must always be careful to maintain good ___________ according to Guevara?
(a) Communication.
(b) Sight paths.
(c) Weaponry.
(d) Confidence.

3. Guevara states that even if the guerrilla possesses the requisite skills and physical qualities, he will need what to keep him motivated and to endure the hardships that await him?
(a) Family communication.
(b) Prayer.
(c) An ideal.
(d) Money.

4. What American rifle was popular in WWII and Korea and because of its simple components and reliable construction, popular among guerrilla bands?
(a) M-1 Garand.
(b) AK-47.
(c) Bazooka.
(d) Winchester.

5. The guerrilla war begins with a small group of men, intellectuals dedicated to the revolution and dispossessed peasants who begins to lead what type of attacks on the regime?
(a) High profile.
(b) Secret.
(c) Low profile.
(d) Combative.

6. The main tactic of the guerrilla is what?
(a) Outnumbering the opponent.
(b) Outarming the opponent.
(c) Encirclement.
(d) Intimidation.

7. What refers to a shoulder mounted rocket launcher, extremely effective as an anti-tank weapon?
(a) Uzi.
(b) M-1 Garand.
(c) Bazooka.
(d) AK-47.

8. Who must be won over to the revolutionary cause before there can be any hope of victory for the revolutionary forces?
(a) The military.
(b) The government.
(c) The peasants.
(d) The police.

9. In some types of especially harsh terrain, the guerrilla will be able to engage the enemy longer because the terrain can enhance the ____ of the guerrilla.
(a) Mobility.
(b) Strategy.
(c) Tactics.
(d) Dexterity.

10. Guevara writes that above all, the guerrilla fighter is what kind of revolutionary?
(a) Agrarian.
(b) Urban.
(c) Marxist.
(d) Civilian.

11. What does Guevara define as "the analysis of the objectives to be achieved in the light of the total military situation and the overall ways of reaching these objectives"?
(a) Warfare.
(b) Strategy.
(c) Tactic.
(d) Guerrilla Analysis.

12. At the outset, the essential task of the guerrilla fighter is to keep himself what, according to Guevara?
(a) From losing the hope.
(b) Ahead of the enemy.
(c) From turning corrupt.
(d) From being destroyed.

13. Combat should only be engaged when the possibility of what is ensured?
(a) Retreat.
(b) A gain in land.
(c) Escape.
(d) Success.

14. What refers to the head commander of a guerrilla column and will have up to 150 men under his command as well as several captains and lieutenants under him?
(a) Commandante.
(b) Officer.
(c) Captain.
(d) Lieutenant.

15. What refers to a guard often posted around the guerrilla camp to notify sleeping troops of any kind of breach in the camp's perimeter?
(a) Regime.
(b) Regiment.
(c) Vanguard.
(d) Sentinel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What refers to a long, narrow excavation in the ground, the earth from which is thrown up in front to serve as a shelter from enemy fire or attack?

2. Captured or wounded enemies should be treated how, unless they are dedicated counterrevolutionaries?

3. The type and times of guerrilla operations need to do what, according to Guevara?

4. What unit of a guerrilla army does a commandante command?

5. The guerrilla fighter operates principally when, according to Guevara?

(see the answer keys)

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