Guards! Guards! Test | Final Test - Medium

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Guards! Guards! Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the new king?
(a) Rex Vivat.
(b) We are not told.
(c) Mr Hummock.
(d) Clarence.

2. What obscure word is understood by the members of the Watch but not by Brother Fingers?
(a) Gaskin.
(b) Moules.
(c) Tridlins.
(d) Figgin.

3. What does Nobby try to do when Errol seems to be running a temperature?
(a) Amuse him with the fluffy ball and the squeaky hippo.
(b) Feed him ice.
(c) Ask Lady Sybil for advice.
(d) Use his body heat to boil a kettle.

4. What is the bumper sticker on Lady Sybil's coach?
(a) Whinny if You Love Dragons.
(b) Wave if You Love Dragons.
(c) Honk if You Love Dragons.
(d) I Love Dragons.

5. Where do the members of the Watch start hunting for the scent of the dragon?
(a) The wall in the Shades with the burnt-on shadows.
(b) The Library in the Unseen University.
(c) Lady Sybil's house.
(d) The Patrician's Palace.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tries to give a warning when the dragon really does come?

2. What is Brother Fingers' real name?

3. What is the name of the rat waiting on the Patrician?

4. Why did Brother Doorkeeper's uncle once kick a swamp dragon?

5. What is mixed with the mist as the three Watch men climb over the roofs?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Lady Sybil think that Errol's stomach is moving?

2. Why does Vimes decide to charge Brother Fingers with the theft of The Summoning of Dragons?

3. How is Nobby's character starting to change?

4. Why is Lady Sybil chosen to be sacrificed to the dragon?

5. How does the dragon manage to return without being summoned?

6. Why do the rats wait on the Patrician?

7. Why does the Librarian free Vimes?

8. Why do the people of Ankh-Morpork think that the dragon may be "good" for their diplomatic relationships with other countries?

9. Why does Nobby decide to call Goodbooy Bindle Featherstone Errol?

10. How does Wonse communicate with the dragon?

(see the answer keys)

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