Guantanamo Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anna Perera
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Guantanamo Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anna Perera
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sound awakens Khalid in the opening of Chapter 8?
(a) The sounds of a dog tearing apart a building.
(b) The screeching of furniture being moved upstairs.
(c) The chirping of birds outside his window.
(d) The coughing of one of the prisoners.

2. What is the name of the American soldier wearing jeans and a white shirt that holds out his hand to Khalid during the processing “as if welcoming the shivering, naked Khalid to Afghanistan” in Chapter 10?
(a) Jim.
(b) Jack.
(c) Anthony.
(d) Bruce.

3. The woman with the American accent that questions Khalid in Chapter 6 asks him why he was traveling where last week?
(a) In England.
(b) In Morocco.
(c) In Afghanistan.
(d) In Pakistan.

4. How old does the prisoner in the next cell to Khalid’s tell him he is in Chapter 11?
(a) 35.
(b) 29.
(c) 61.
(d) 48.

5. The narrator says of Khalid in the beginning of Chapter 15, “All night long, under the constant bright lights, the picture at the front of Khalid’s mind is the painting by” whom?
(a) “His mother.”
(b) “Gul.”
(c) “Aadab.”
(d) “Niamh.”

Short Answer Questions

1. The prisoner in the cell next to Khalid’s tells him in Chapter 11 that “Hezbollah” means what?

2. What is the name of the woman who comes to question Khalid in Chapter 6 and is described as being about thirty-five, with straight brown hair?

3. As Khalid walks home from school in Chapter 1, he worries about his father receiving a letter from the school about his misbehavior. In what school room was Khalid misbehaving?

4. What is Khalid’s friend Holgy’s real name said to be in Chapter 10?

5. How many children is Masud said to have back home in Chapter 9?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where is Khalid taken in Chapter 9? By what modes of transportation is he relocated?

2. What does Khalid do when the guard brings him breakfast in Chapter 7?

3. What questions are asked of Khalid by Angela and Bruce in Chapter 6? How does Khalid respond?

4. Where is Khalid in the opening of Chapter 6? Where is he taken?

5. What are some of the examples of films, books, etc. that Anna Perera used as research in developing the story of Guantanamo Boy, according to the Author’s Note?

6. What does Khalid’s father remark about on the news when he returns home from work in Chapter 1?

7. How does Chapter 2 begin? What news does Khalid learn from his mother in the opening of the chapter?

8. What does Khalid find when he returns from unsuccessfully searching for his father in Chapter 5?

9. What images are displayed to Khalid during his interrogations in Chapter 14? How do these images impact Khalid?

10. What are Khalid’s impressions of Karachi and the home of his aunts in Chapter 3?

(see the answer keys)

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