Guantanamo Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

Anna Perera
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Guantanamo Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

Anna Perera
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When is Khalid’s birthday?
(a) March 11.
(b) July 7.
(c) September 16.
(d) June 12.

2. The military doctor that comes to examine Khalid in Chapter 23 is said to be no more than how old?
(a) 25.
(b) 30.
(c) 20.
(d) 35.

3. What number is Khalid assigned when he arrives at Guantanamo Bay Prison in Chapter 16?
(a) 213.
(b) 234.
(c) 256.
(d) 121.

4. What is the title of Chapter 22?
(a) “Red Cross.”
(b) “News.”
(c) “The Jinn.”
(d) “Processing.”

5. Where does the fellow recently released detainee tell Khalid he is from as they are taken from the plane to a van in Chapter 27?
(a) Birmingham.
(b) Manchester.
(c) Chattington.
(d) Winchester.

6. What breakfast is brought to Khalid on the plane in the beginning of Chapter 27?
(a) Rice, potatoes, and tuna fish.
(b) A bread roll, an omelet, and baked beans.
(c) A pancake, coffee, and a Danish.
(d) A piece of cake, a donut, and a cup of tea.

7. How old was Niamh when she joined Khalid’s school, according to the narrator in Chapter 18?
(a) 12.
(b) 14.
(c) 15.
(d) 16.

8. What kind of music was blaring in the isolation room that Khalid is taken to in Chapter 22?
(a) Rock music.
(b) Classical music.
(c) Jazz music.
(d) Polka music.

9. Tariq tells Khalid that he heard about the capture of the Australian gamer where when they took him there, in Chapter 22?
(a) Islamabad.
(b) Lebanon.
(c) Kandahar.
(d) Morocco.

10. What book is in Khalid’s cell when he arrives at Guantanamo Bay Prison in Chapter 16?
(a) The Qur’an.
(b) The Bible.
(c) The Old Man and the Sea.
(d) The Torah.

11. Where does Khalid learn Mikael has moved with his family in Chapter 28?
(a) To the US.
(b) To Lebanon.
(c) To Pakistan.
(d) To Australia.

12. Who does Khalid learn left school at sixteen for his apprenticeship with British Gas in Chapter 28?
(a) Mikael.
(b) Nico.
(c) Tony Banda.
(d) Holgy.

13. What does Khalid read at the assembly in Chapter 29?
(a) A letter written from Nico while he was in prison.
(b) A letter Khalid wrote from Guantanamo Bay Prison.
(c) A letter from his mother he received while in prison.
(d) A letter that his lawyer wrote in order to have him freed.

14. How long ago does Khalid learn the Madrid train bombings took place as he rides on the plane in Chapter 26?
(a) 2 days ago.
(b) 2 weeks ago.
(c) 3 weeks ago.
(d) 1 week ago.

15. What term from the narrative refers to the breaking of the fast of Ramadan?
(a) Shalwar kameez.
(b) Zakat.
(c) Eid al-Fitr.
(d) Tänd ett ljus.

Short Answer Questions

1. Harry drives Khalid to his home in Chapter 28 in what vehicle?

2. What kind of music is blaring when Khalid awakens in Chapter 18?

3. What is the title of Chapter 17?

4. In the beginning of Chapter 21, the library man returns and leaves Khalid with two Reader’s Digest books and what magazine?

5. What is the name of the man with the library cart that offers Khalid used books to read in Chapter 20?

(see the answer keys)

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