Grinding It Out Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Grinding It Out Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Kroc's theory in fighting the competition?
(a) To lower prices.
(b) To increase advertising.
(c) To rely on governments and the courts.
(d) Stress strengths.

2. What percent of gross sales did Kroc receive from the franchises?
(a) 2%
(b) 1.9%
(c) 1.5%
(d) 1%

3. It cost Kroc how much to buyout the Frejlack Ice Cream interest in McDonalds?
(a) $50,000.
(b) $10,000.
(c) $5,000.
(d) $25,000.

4. Which state pioneered the drive-in food business?
(a) Florida.
(b) Texas.
(c) Illinois.
(d) California.

5. What was the purpose of the Franchise Realty Corporation?
(a) To handle the franchise real estate end of the franchising.
(b) To sell franchises.
(c) To sell restaurants.
(d) To provide a slush fund for the franchises.

6. Where was the first McOpCo Store?
(a) Peoria, Illinois.
(b) San Diego, California.
(c) Torrence, California.
(d) Columbus, Ohio.

7. What word does Kroc use to describe Ethel's reaction to his new venture?
(a) Luke warm.
(b) Enthusiastic.
(c) Incensed.
(d) Excited.

8. What does Kroc describe as 'the most joyous kind of executive experience'?
(a) Watching the brand name become known.
(b) Making money.
(c) Making important decisions.
(d) Watching his creation grow as the result of good decision making.

9. Why does Kroc say he didn't just copy the McDonald's idea instead of entering into a contract with them?
(a) It was too costly.
(b) He didn't think of it.
(c) It was too complicated.
(d) He required their expertise.

10. Ray and Ethel married in:
(a) 1925.
(b) 1923.
(c) 1920.
(d) 1922.

11. Drive-in food restaurants came into being in:
(a) 1920s.
(b) 1940s.
(c) 1930s.
(d) 1950s.

12. While selling paper cups, Ray worked part-time:
(a) As a busboy.
(b) As a janitor.
(c) Playing the piano.
(d) As a bartender.

13. Kroc found the 1927-37 period exciting because of:
(a) The growth of his family.
(b) The growth of the paper cup industry.
(c) The stock market boom.
(d) The building bang.

14. Kroc's simple philosophy is that:
(a) People are trapped by circumstances.
(b) Life is predetermined.
(c) He has no simple philosophy.
(d) People are responsible for their own problems and happiness.

15. Dick Boylan and Bob Ryan secured jobs with McDonalds because of their:
(a) Impressing Ethel Kroc.
(b) Background of working for the IRS.
(c) Education.
(d) Work for a competitor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What concept did Kroc promote when selling paper cups?

2. Ray Kroc met Bill Veeck:

3. How much money did McDonald's have to raise to pay off the mechanic's liens?

4. After the real estate job ended, Ray supported his family by:

5. Kroc's view on taking risks is that risk:

(see the answer keys)

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