Grime and Punishment Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Dav Pilkey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Grime and Punishment Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Dav Pilkey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 11 to 13.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 12, what does Li'l Petey tell his papa he can do with his story?
(a) Begin it his way.
(b) Write it any way he wishes.
(c) Finish it his way.
(d) Color it any way he wants.

2. What is the problem with Petey's robot in Chapter 10?
(a) Cannot sit.
(b) Cannot walk.
(c) Cannot stand.
(d) Cannot run.

3. In Chapter 9, what is the first thing that Munchy wants to do?
(a) Eat.
(b) Go for a walk.
(c) Break something.
(d) Drink.

4. In Chapter 10, what does Li'l Petey think is wrong with Petey's robot?
(a) Stomach is too big.
(b) Needs a bigger brain.
(c) Needs bigger feet.
(d) Head is too big.

5. What does Grampa say about the safety of The Mighty Motor Brain?
(a) Dangerous.
(b) Perfectly safe.
(c) Harmless.
(d) Deadly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who decides that Dog Man disguised as a cat should be hired as a cop in Chapter 5?

2. What does Li'l Petey tell his grampa at the end of Chapter 12?

3. What is the first thing that Munchy eats in Chapter 9?

4. In Chapter 6, what does Petey say about forgiving Li'l Petey?

5. How many cops came to investigate George and Harold in Intro #1?

(see the answer key)

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