Green Hills of Africa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Green Hills of Africa Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who finds the group of eight buffalo?
(a) M'Cola.
(b) Pop.
(c) The local guide.
(d) Droopy.

2. Why are Spanish shooting boots unsuitable for climbing down steep hills?
(a) The heel is weak and cracks easily.
(b) They are made of soft hide that tears.
(c) The sole is too thin making them uncomfortable.
(d) They are too short in the toe.

3. What was Hemingway confident of when he used the 470?
(a) He would hit the target.
(b) Reloading it would be quick.
(c) It would be noisy.
(d) It would be relatively quiet.

4. What is a Shamba?
(a) A plantation.
(b) It is the leader of the kudu bulls.
(c) It is a disease.
(d) A person who raises a sisal.

5. What does Hemingway remember hunting on the Eve of St. Batholomew?
(a) Mormans.
(b) Huguenots.
(c) A Catholic priest.
(d) Lutherans.

6. What does Droopy do as a precaution before he goes to find the rhino?
(a) Nothing.
(b) He retrieves a heavier gun.
(c) He removes his clothing.
(d) He takes off his hat.

7. What type of gun is Pop carrying?
(a) He isn't using a gun.
(b) Hemingway's heavy gun.
(c) A Springfield.
(d) A Mannlicher.

8. Why can the hunting party not get above ridges of hills as they hunt the rhino?
(a) The westerly wind is blowing dust preventing them from seeing the rhino.
(b) The vantage point from the hills is too low.
(c) The easterly wind will blow their scent on ahead and warn the rhino.
(d) The rhino will spot them if they climb any higher.

9. What animal would Hemingway prefer instead of a rhino?
(a) A wildebeest.
(b) A kudu bull.
(c) A buffalo.
(d) An oryx.

10. How do Droopy and Hemingway transport the reedbuck's body back to camp?
(a) Hemingway carries it to build up his fitness.
(b) They carry it between them on a sling.
(c) They hang it in the crotch of a tree and call the porters.
(d) Droopy carries it all by himself.

11. What did the thorn tree with yellow blossoms mark?
(a) The spot where they had seen the rhino fighting.
(b) The place they had seen the Rhino the night before.
(c) The spot where they had first seen the rhino come out.
(d) The place they had seen the rhino enter the forest.

12. Who does Hemingway's wife think is the greatest writer in America?
(a) Upton Sinclair.
(b) Valery.
(c) Sinclair Lewis.
(d) Hemingway.

13. What does Hemingway's wife think Von Lettow is bitter about?
(a) The Aga Khan.
(b) American women.
(c) The natives.
(d) The East Indians.

14. Who does the Memsahib try to walk like?
(a) M'Cola.
(b) Droopy.
(c) Karl.
(d) Pop.

15. What is it that Hemingway thinks makes him unhappy?
(a) Being in the Prado.
(b) Doing nothing for other people.
(c) That he has been very lucky.
(d) When he thinks of other people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of war is the best for a writer?

2. Where are writers forged?

3. Who can shoot after you cannot see?

4. What does Abdullah do to the guineas that Hemingway shoots down to make them legal to eat?

5. Why did they not attack the Rhino on first sight?

(see the answer keys)

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