Green Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Green Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Stephen said to be wearing as a form of penance?
(a) A chastity belt.
(b) A hair shirt.
(c) An ankle weight.
(d) A thorn crown.

2. What does Celia say about Dr. Akananada that shocks her mother?
(a) Celia calls him Dr. Julian.
(b) Celia wishes he would leave.
(c) Celia says Dr. Akananada is handsome.
(d) Celia calls him a crook.

3. Who does Celia introduce herself as to Maggie and Sir Anthony in Part 2, Chapter 15?
(a) An old friend.
(b) Sir. John Hutchinson's widow.
(c) Lady Southwell's niece.
(d) A servant.

4. What does Dr. Akananda say he has done before but will not do again?
(a) Visit past lives.
(b) Fail Lily and Celia.
(c) Drink.
(d) Travel during a storm.

5. Who leaves Mary's procession early due to illness?
(a) Ursula.
(b) Simkin.
(c) Celia.
(d) Sir Anthony.

6. What does Celia name the dog she adopts?
(a) Stephen.
(b) Taggle.
(c) Cowdray.
(d) Coco.

7. What does Celia murmur when she falls asleep on her wedding night?
(a) "Help."
(b) "I love You".
(c) "Cowdray".
(d) Stephen's name.

8. What does Celia Marsdon remember about her life as Celia de Bohum when she awakens?
(a) Stephen.
(b) Everything.
(c) Cowdray Castle.
(d) Nothing.

9. By August, where does Celia travel to?
(a) London.
(b) Kent.
(c) Ightham.
(d) France.

10. Why does Ursula beg Celia to return to Cowdray in Part 2, Chapter 15?
(a) Ursula is dying.
(b) Ursula is getting married.
(c) Sir Anthony has gone crazy.
(d) Ursula is in danger.

11. How does Julian earn his new doctor's robes?
(a) By saving Queen Mary's life.
(b) By treating Queen Mary for a headache.
(c) By making a significant medical discovery.
(d) By bribing someone.

12. Who is Edwin Radcliffe?
(a) A childhood friend of Celia.
(b) Sir Thomas Wyatt's nephew.
(c) One of Lord Montague's ushers.
(d) A friend of Sir John.

13. Why does Celia run to town?
(a) To find a nurse.
(b) To find the midwife.
(c) To find a doctor.
(d) To find a priest.

14. What item does Celia give Stephen in Part 2, Chapter 18?
(a) Her wedding ring.
(b) A four-leafed clover.
(c) Her necklace.
(d) A letter.

15. Who reveals that they are in the room with Celia and Stephen at the end of Part 2, Chapter 13?
(a) Ursula.
(b) Sir Anthony.
(c) Wat.
(d) Sir Thomas Wyatt.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Edna Simpson die?

2. What remark does Alice make about Celia's appearance?

3. What fact about Celia's condition does Dr. Akananda share with Sir Arthur?

4. Who falls in love with Celia at the end of Part 2, Chapter 12?

5. What event throws England into turmoil?

(see the answer keys)

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