The Great White Hope Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Howard Sackler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great White Hope Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Howard Sackler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Knowing Jack is involved with a white girl is going to do what?
(a) Cause some surprise.
(b) Encourage others to do the same.
(c) Irritate many people.
(d) Generate hate that will drive people crazy.

2. What does Ellie sleepily imagine?
(a) Visiting her mother in New York and introducing her to Jack.
(b) Going on vacation on a deserted island with Jack.
(c) Staying out in the sun so long that her skin darkens, coloring her hair, becoming somebody new, moving in with Jack and nobody ever knowing she's actually white.
(d) Staying in bed all day and ignoring all of the reporters and journalists.

3. Whose power does this man believe black people should accept?
(a) Their own.
(b) Anyone but the white man.
(c) The white man's.
(d) God's.

4. About what is the performer's song?
(a) He wishes he were a "coon."
(b) What it takes to be a "coon."
(c) A "coon" wishing he was white.
(d) Whether Jack is a "coon."

5. How much prison time does Cameron tell Jack he could face?
(a) Five to ten years.
(b) Six months to one year.
(c) One to three years.
(d) Ten to fifteen years.

Short Answer Questions

1. On whom does Clara angrily talk about wanting to take revenge?

2. Who does Clara see out the window?

3. How does Jack greet Brady?

4. When Jack is finally allowed to speak, for what does he apologize?

5. What does Jack sing softly?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Cap'n Dan, Smitty, Pop Weaver, and Fred say about Jack's publicity?

2. Why does Ellie enter with Ragosy?

3. What takes place when a Polish boxer arrives in France?

4. What is Jack's sentence? How do Mrs. Jefferson and Clara react?

5. How does the play begin?

6. What is taking place outside the arena in Reno?

7. What does Jack say, when he is finally allowed to speak?

8. What does Mrs. Jefferson reminisce about Jack?

9. What decision is made between Cameron and Dixon?

10. What does Goldie think about Jack dating Ellie?

(see the answer keys)

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