The Great White Hope Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Howard Sackler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great White Hope Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Howard Sackler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the press calling the fight?
(a) The fight of the century.
(b) The fight to end all fights.
(c) The best fight.
(d) The one to watch.

2. She recalls how hard it was to teach him the right way to behave, how he was always determined to do things his own way, and how she tried to punish him physically. What does she say she should have done to keep Jack out of a situation such as this?
(a) Sent him to college.
(b) Locked him in his room.
(c) Put into a private school.
(d) Tried harder to teach him the right way to behave.

3. What does Jack sing softly?
(a) A verse of a hymn.
(b) A verse of a rap.
(c) A verse of Ellie's favorite song.
(d) A verse of a blues song.

4. Why does Coates believe there is no reason for Jack to remain in England?
(a) Jack is not making any money.
(b) Jack is black.
(c) Jack's stated intention in coming to England was to have a career as a boxer, and that is not likely to happen.
(d) Jack is causing too many problems.

5. How does Jack handle the intensity of this protest?
(a) With anger.
(b) With humor.
(c) With frustration.
(d) With silence.

6. What does Coates prompt Bratby to reveal?
(a) The match promised Jack has been delayed.
(b) The match promised Jack never existed.
(c) The match promised Jack has been canceled.
(d) The match promised Jack is still on.

7. As Tick shouts directions and questions, Jack shouts back comments and answers. Why does Jack stop?
(a) He is tired of arguing.
(b) He walks out of the room.
(c) He is preparing to box.
(d) He is concerned that watching him is too rough for Ellie.

8. Why does Jack call Ellie honey?
(a) He keeps forgetting her name.
(b) He thinks it is a cute nickname.
(c) He does not like her real name.
(d) Honey just seems to fit.

9. Late at night in a hotel room in Wisconsin, what does Jack try to get Ellie to do?
(a) Go get him food.
(b) Leave him.
(c) Go for a late night swim with him.
(d) Marry him.

10. What does a group of rangers arrive and announce?
(a) No blacks are allowed in.
(b) All weapons are to be confiscated.
(c) The fight has been cancelled.
(d) No more seats are available in the arena.

11. How long does Jack have left on bail and the right to appeal?
(a) One week.
(b) Three weeks.
(c) Four weeks.
(d) Two weeks.

12. What does Jack say will happen now that a match has been arranged for him?
(a) He is sure he will make plenty of money.
(b) He will move to the United States.
(c) He is sure there will be no problems.
(d) He knows some problems will occur.

13. How much prison time does Cameron tell Jack he could face?
(a) Six months to one year.
(b) Five to ten years.
(c) One to three years.
(d) Ten to fifteen years.

14. Does Brady accept the idea?
(a) Yes, at first.
(b) Not at first.
(c) Yes.
(d) No.

15. About what are Goldie and Tick concerned?
(a) Jack being so optimistic.
(b) Jack being able to beat Brady.
(c) Jack calling Ellie his fiance.
(d) Jack's mood swings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does a reporter call Brady?

2. On whom does Clara angrily talk about wanting to take revenge?

3. Where are several things are going on, such as a dice game, bets on the outcome of the fight, and a performer in blackface performing for a group of fans unable to get into the arena itself?

4. Knowing Jack is involved with a white girl is going to do what?

5. A moment later a crowd of marchers enters, doing what?

(see the answer keys)

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