Great Expectations Test | Final Test - Medium

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Great Expectations Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Magwitch taught to do as a teen that changes his life?
(a) Steal.
(b) Read.
(c) Write.
(d) Lie.

2. Who convinces Pip to join an exclusive club?
(a) Herbert.
(b) Wemmick.
(c) Startop.
(d) Drummle.

3. Where does Pip run into Mr. Pumblechook after he returns to live with Joe?
(a) The Three Jolly Portsmen.
(b) Miss Havisham's house.
(c) The market place.
(d) The Blue Boar.

4. Where does Pip wake up after his being arrested?
(a) In court.
(b) In prison.
(c) At Joe's house.
(d) At Miss Havisham's house.

5. What does Pip do frequently after Herbert leaves?
(a) He reads.
(b) He gambles.
(c) He writes.
(d) He smokes.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Estella say her family feels about Pip when she sees him in London?

2. Who is Estella's father?

3. Who is dating Estella while Pip is living in London?

4. How much money does Pip request in order to help Herbert?

5. Where is Estella going when she sees Pip in London?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Magwitch say when Pip meets him at Clara's house?

2. About what does Pip confront Estella and Miss Havisham?

3. Why is Magwitch not tried immediately after he arrested?

4. Where is Pip living at the end of the book?

5. About what does Drummle brag when he sees Pip at the Blue Boar?

6. What does Pip learn when he tries to find Biddy at her school?

7. How does Magwitch describe the odd jobs he takes to get by when he is younger?

8. For whom is Herbert going to be working, and what will he be doing?

9. What does Estella tell Pip when she sees him in London?

10. Into what kind of trouble does Herbert start to get himself, and how can Pip help him?

(see the answer keys)

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