Great Short Works Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Great Short Works Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main character of 'Mr. Prohartchin' very vocal about?
(a) His dead wife.
(b) Being poor.
(c) The bad government.
(d) His dreams to immigrate.

2. Why did Ordynov tell Yaroslav that he moved?
(a) He needed cheaper rent.
(b) His landlady moved.
(c) He fell in love.
(d) He wanted to be closer to the school.

3. What talent does the Rag have?
(a) Singing.
(b) Writing.
(c) Telling stories.
(d) Acting.

4. How long was 'Polzunkov'?
(a) 40 pages.
(b) 20 pages.
(c) 30 pages.
(d) 10 pages.

5. When did Katerina fall in love with Ordynov?
(a) When she read his letter.
(b) While he was sick.
(c) When she did his laundry.
(d) When she heard him sing.

6. How does Murin describe Katerina?
(a) Gorgeous.
(b) Impetuous.
(c) Mad.
(d) Young.

7. What does Murin threaten Ordynov with?
(a) A dagger.
(b) Poison.
(c) A revolver.
(d) A rifle.

8. How does the boy in 'A Little Hero' feel when he is made the rival to a young pretty girl?
(a) Embarrassed.
(b) Angry.
(c) Happy.
(d) Flattered.

9. What does the Rag say is his deepest desire?
(a) To get married.
(b) All of these.
(c) To have children.
(d) To feel stable.

10. What was the talent of the new lodger in 'An Honest Thief'?
(a) Story telling.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Cleaning.
(d) Tailoring.

11. What was the Rag known to do on a regular basis?
(a) Sleep with women.
(b) Get arrested.
(c) Borrow money.
(d) Get drunk.

12. Who was Shumkov's fiance attracted to?
(a) Shumkov's friend.
(b) Shumkov's land lord.
(c) Shumkov's father.
(d) Shumkov's boss.

13. How did Murin go about protecting Katerina?
(a) He bought her house.
(b) He moved in with her.
(c) He married her.
(d) He rented a room from her.

14. How old is the child in 'A Little Hero'?
(a) 10.
(b) 9.
(c) 8.
(d) 11.

15. What does the woman living at the house in 'An Honest Thief' do without the permission of the owner of the house?
(a) Hires a maid.
(b) Cleans the windows.
(c) Buys a cat.
(d) Boards a stranger.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does a man who is called a Rag do?

2. How long has Mr. Prohartchin lived in his lodging?

3. What is the name of the Rag?

4. What does the Rag say he has never done for money?

5. What is the boy told to do the morning after the party?

(see the answer keys)

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