Great Short Works of Herman Melville Test | Final Test - Easy

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Great Short Works of Herman Melville Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the attitude of the bachelors in the Temple toward pain and trouble?
(a) Pain and trouble are nonexistent.
(b) Pain and trouble are everywhere.
(c) Pain and trouble are unavoidable.
(d) Pain and trouble are for other people.

2. In "The Piazza," how does the narrator's house look to the inhabitants of the mountain cottage?
(a) Like a prison.
(b) Like a mansion.
(c) Like a happy place.
(d) Like a palace.

3. What does the narrator in "The Fiddler" do with his manuscripts?
(a) Pays to have them printed.
(b) Tears them up.
(c) Reads them to strangers.
(d) Sends them to publishers.

4. What overcomes Captain Delano's criticism of Benito Cereno?
(a) Courtesy.
(b) Sorrow.
(c) Compassion.
(d) Understanding.

5. To what did Captain Delano attribute the ship's being so long becalmed?
(a) Unusual weather.
(b) Poor seamanship.
(c) Bad luck.
(d) Misdirection.

6. How does Captain Delano evaluate Babo when he first meets him?
(a) Captain Delano evalutes Babo as vaguely threatening.
(b) Captain Delano evaluates Babo as woefully ignorant.
(c) Captain Delano evaluates Babo as uncomfortably familiar.
(d) Captain Delano evalutes Babo as a devoted companion.

7. Why had Jimmy Rose never married?
(a) He ws unattractive.
(b) He loved all women equally.
(c) He was too shy.
(d) He didn't like women.

8. Why had Jimmy Rose often been chosen to present awards?
(a) He spoke well.
(b) He was handsome.
(c) He was a generous donor.
(d) He was famous.

9. What is the temperature at the mill?
(a) Cold.
(b) Oppressively hot.
(c) Hot.
(d) Warm.

10. What disease does Captain Delano learn has swept off much of the crew and cargo of slaves?
(a) Rickets.
(b) Malaria.
(c) Cholera.
(d) Scurvy.

11. What had Hautboy lost in order to succeed?
(a) Conscience.
(b) Glory.
(c) Fear.
(d) Guilt.

12. Why is it hard to see the mill when coming upon it?
(a) The mill is painted to camouflage the entrance.
(b) The mill is hidden in a cave.
(c) The mill's entrance is disguised by branches.
(d) The whole landscape is white.

13. How do the bachelors in the Temple keep time?
(a) By the jokes they told.
(b) By the wine they drank.
(c) By the courses of the meal.
(d) By their reminiscences.

14. Why is the strange ship low on provisions?
(a) They have taken on additional passengers.
(b) They have been under supplied.
(c) They have been lost.
(d) They have been becalmed.

15. How was John Marr wounded?
(a) Fighting with pirates.
(b) Falling from a ship's rigging.
(c) Fighting in the War of 1812.
(d) Whaling.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who lives in the cottage that the narrator of "The Piazza" finds in the mountains?

2. What does the narrator's wife think of his apprehension about the apple-tree table?

3. What does Benito Cereno say has happened to his partner, Alexandro Aranda?

4. What did Jimmy Rose have to offer the rich after he lost his fortune?

5. What caused the bell-ringing automaton to kill Bannadonna?

(see the answer keys)

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