Great Short Works of Herman Melville Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Great Short Works of Herman Melville Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 22 - Billy Budd.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Captain Delano evaluate the relationship between Benito Cereno and Babo?
(a) A shocking breach of convention.
(b) A distressing lack of respect.
(c) A frightening scene of dependency.
(d) An enviable spectacle of fidelity.

2. What does Bartleby's demeanor show about his eccentricities?
(a) They are voluntary.
(b) They are important.
(c) They are involuntary.
(d) They are unimportant.

3. What habit of the bachelors in the Temple does the narrator wish to introduce in his own country?
(a) Snuff.
(b) Aperatifs.
(c) Mulled wine.
(d) Toasts.

4. Why does the narrator of "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo?" call the rooster Signor Beneventano?
(a) The rooster reminds him of his neighbor.
(b) The rooster reminds him of a song.
(c) The rooster reminds him of a character in a play.
(d) The rooster reminds him of a character in a book.

5. What famous person expressed a good opinion of the narrator of Bartleby?
(a) John D. Rockefeller.
(b) Theodore Roosevelt.
(c) Andrew Carnegie.
(d) John Jacob Astor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are Pedro and Sebastian in The Town-Ho's Story?

2. On what holiday does John Gentian converse with passers-by?

3. What does the narrator of "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo?" believe the rooster's crow is saying?

4. How does Melville describe pelicans?

5. What surprises the narrator when he goes to his office on a Sunday?

(see the answer key)

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