The Great Santini Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Santini Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Ben's chief rival on and off the court?
(a) Jim Don Cooper.
(b) Art Ballard.
(c) Pinky.
(d) Sammy.

2. What does Sammy confide to Ben about his date?
(a) That he dislikes her, but is taking her out in pity.
(b) That he dislikes her and plans to dump her after dinner.
(c) That he likes her a lot and is afraid to be alone with her.
(d) That he plans to take her to lover's lane.

3. Who do the children have to wait on before opening gifts on Christmas morning?
(a) Mary Anne.
(b) Matthew.
(c) Karen.
(d) Bull.

4. With whom has Sammy arranged dates for himself and Ben the day after Christmas?
(a) Mary Anne and another girl from school.
(b) Two college girls.
(c) Two girls from a private high school.
(d) Two girls from the military base.

5. What does Sister Loretta say is a form of self abuse and therefore a sin?
(a) Masturbation.
(b) Overeating.
(c) Intercourse.
(d) Athletics.

6. Who comes to watch Ben in the try outs?
(a) Principal Dacus.
(b) Bull.
(c) Mary Anne
(d) Ansley.

7. What does Causey want Bull to have done to a black ace in his squad?
(a) Causey wants Bull to take lessons from his black ace.
(b) Causey wants one of Bull's men to teach the black ace a lesson.
(c) Causey wants to transfer his black ace to Bull's squad.
(d) Causey wants Bull to bring the black ace up on charges.

8. What does Mary Anne let Sammy's date borrow?
(a) Shoes.
(b) A book.
(c) A dress.
(d) A shawl.

9. What happens to Sammy's date?
(a) She drives herself home thinking that Sammy is a coward.
(b) She is raped by a black man.
(c) She is taken home and punished for being on lover's lane.
(d) She is kidnapped.

10. Why does Bull send Ben to his room?
(a) To rest before the big game.
(b) To study his basketball game strategies.
(c) To keep from making Bull more nervous than he already is.
(d) As a punishment for rude behavior.

11. Who does Bull blame for Ben's lack of a killer instinct?
(a) Lillian.
(b) Ben himself.
(c) Mary Anne.
(d) Lillian's mother.

12. How do they defend Ben?
(a) By calling their parents.
(b) By complaining to the school board.
(c) By using the difficult vocabulary Mr. Loring taught them.
(d) By going to the principal.

13. What does Mary Anne believe is Ben's motivation for the invitation?
(a) Revenge. It is grounds for a practical joke.
(b) Orders from Bull.
(c) Pity.
(d) Pride.

14. Who encourages Ben to injure an opposing player during the game?
(a) Lillian.
(b) Mary Anne.
(c) Bull.
(d) The coach.

15. Who asks Ben to help Toomer?
(a) Mary Anne.
(b) Bull.
(c) Lillian.
(d) Arrabelle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Sammy?

2. What is a black ace?

3. Where is Bull's body found?

4. What does Mary Anne tease Ben about?

5. What does Ben want to do when he first finds his father passed out on the Lawn?

(see the answer keys)

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