The Great Santini Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Santini Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Bull's body found?
(a) In the river.
(b) In a field.
(c) Near a bar.
(d) At Hobie's Grill.

2. Who believes Jews use Christian children in their religious ceremonies?
(a) Red Pettus.
(b) Ben.
(c) Sammy.
(d) Mary Anne.

3. What does Bull promise not to do at Mess Night?
(a) Stay out too late.
(b) Eat too much.
(c) Drink.
(d) Fight.

4. Where do Ben and Mary Anne go for dinner?
(a) A fancy restaurant in a neighboring town.
(b) The high school cafeteria.
(c) Hobie's Grill.
(d) The Officer's Club.

5. Who does teach the boys?
(a) Sister Loretta.
(b) A local doctor.
(c) Lillian.
(d) A local nurse.

6. What does Ben think about Mr. Loring's teaching style?
(a) Ben finds it unorthodox and therefore wants out of the class.
(b) Ben finds it complicated and difficult to learn from.
(c) Ben finds it boring and overly simplified.
(d) Ben finds it unorthodox, but he likes Mr. Loring.

7. Who plans on teaching her students about sex?
(a) Mary Anne.
(b) Lillian.
(c) Mr. Loring.
(d) Sister Loretta Marie.

8. Why does Bull restrict Ben to just bread and tea before the game?
(a) To keep him from getting weighed down with unhealthy carbs.
(b) As punishment.
(c) As a weight loss tool.
(d) To help prepare him for the game.

9. Who is Junior Palmer with?
(a) Ansley.
(b) Mary Anne.
(c) A young black girl.
(d) A local nun.

10. What happens to Sammy?
(a) Sammy escapes and runs away.
(b) Junior releases him after making him promise to keep his mouth shut about what he saw on lover's lane.
(c) Sammy is beaten, then taken to a hospital.
(d) Sammy goes to jail with Ben and is charged with hitting a police officer, too.

11. What does Sister Loretta say is a form of self abuse and therefore a sin?
(a) Overeating.
(b) Intercourse.
(c) Masturbation.
(d) Athletics.

12. Who is Rock Troy?
(a) A name Ben made up to impress his date.
(b) A friend of Sammy's.
(c) The name Sammy made up to impress his date.
(d) A boy from school.

13. Who does Bull blame for Ben's lack of a killer instinct?
(a) Lillian.
(b) Mary Anne.
(c) Ben himself.
(d) Lillian's mother.

14. What is Arrabelle worried about after news of the rape on lover's lane?
(a) That Toomer committed the rape.
(b) That she will be raped.
(c) That no one is safe anymore.
(d) That no black person will be safe in Ravenel.

15. What happens to Sammy's date?
(a) She is kidnapped.
(b) She drives herself home thinking that Sammy is a coward.
(c) She is raped by a black man.
(d) She is taken home and punished for being on lover's lane.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who asks Ben to help Toomer?

2. What story does Mary Anne tell the kids while waiting to go to church on Christmas Eve?

3. With whom does Lillian have an argument before dinner the night of the big basketball game?

4. On the night of Ben's first basketball game, Lillian gathers the children to do what?

5. What does Ben say to Bull when he goes to bring him home?

(see the answer keys)

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