The Great Gilly Hopkins Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Gilly Hopkins Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Randolph give Gilly as a going-away present?
(a) His treasured poetry book.
(b) Advice.
(c) His encyclopedia, "Sarsparilla to Sorcery."
(d) His pocket watch.

2. How long is the ride to Gilly's new home?
(a) It is two-hour drive.
(b) It takes just over an hour to drive there.
(c) It is a six-hour drive.
(d) It takes only a half hour to get there.

3. In Chapter 11, what happens at twelve after nine?
(a) Miss Ellis goes to her desk and finds a note from Gilly's grandmother.
(b) Mrs. Trotter takes time for a break from her cleaning.
(c) Gilly starts to show signs of the flu.
(d) School closes early because of a flu epidemic.

4. On her way to her grandmother's house, what fact does Gilly realize she has to face?
(a) That perhaps her mother might never come for her.
(b) The fact that her mother had not come for her.
(c) All the answers are correct.
(d) The fact that her mother sent someone else to get her.

5. What does Gilly have to do about the money she has given to Agnes and can't return to Mrs. Trotter?
(a) She has to work it off by doing chores.
(b) She has to wash windows for Mrs. Randolph.
(c) She has to sell all her things.
(d) She has to get a job delivering newspapers.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 10, what happens to Gilly when responsibility is thrust upon her?

2. What warning does Mrs. Trotter receive about being a foster mother?

3. Who is Miss Minnie Applegate?

4. In Chapter 11, who finally gets through to Gilly when she is so upset?

5. What does Gilly's grandmother ask about school?

Short Essay Questions

1. The night before Gilly is to leave the Trotter home, what is distressing Gilly the most?

2. What does Gilly's grandmother try to do as she prepares for her daughter's visit?

3. What happens during the night that both hurts and helps Gilly regarding her move?

4. What does Gilly find in Mrs. Trotter's open purse and where was it when she found it?

5. What happens to Gilly's relationship with William Ernest when she is permitted to stay with Mrs. Trotter?

6. Why is Gilly concerned when her grandmother promises to get her out of the Trotter foster home?

7. What happens to Gilly when Miss Ellis tells her she is going to have to live with her grandmother?

8. In Chapter 14, what does Gilly write about in her letters to Mrs. Trotter and William Ernest?

9. Why doesn't Mrs. Trotter step in and fight to keep Gilly living with her?

10. In Chapter 12, what futile thing does Gilly do after supper?

(see the answer keys)

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