The Great Gilly Hopkins Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Gilly Hopkins Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What shocks Gilly when she first met Miss Harris?
(a) The woman is black.
(b) The woman is very tall.
(c) The woman has an angry look.
(d) The woman is too young to be a teacher.

2. What does Gilly do when Agnes begins to gossip about the other students?
(a) Gilly laughs and tells her they should get some good gossip on more students.
(b) Gilly reminds Agnes she (Gilly) has been abandoned by her parents when they left her with her grandmother.
(c) Gilly writes everything down to keep in case she can later use the information to hold over someone.
(d) Gilly warns Agnes to never talk about her that way.

3. Who else does Gilly decide to enlist to help her find more money at Mr. Randolph's house?
(a) Mr. Randolph.
(b) William Ernest.
(c) Mrs. Trotter.
(d) Miss Harris.

4. Who is Gilly Hopkins?
(a) Galadriel Hopkins' nickname.
(b) A neighbor to the main character.
(c) A juvenile wanted for running away from her first foster home.
(d) A teacher in the Thompson Park Elementary School.

5. What does Mrs. Trotter reply when Mr. Randolph compliments her dinner?
(a) That he is very nice to say such things.
(b) "Thank you."
(c) That he can flatter the stripes off a pole cat.
(d) She blushes and tells him he says the sweetest things.

6. What does Miss Harris say about Gilly's given name?
(a) That Galadriel is a very unusual name.
(b) That Galadriel is too hard a name to say.
(c) That Galadriel is a beautiful name and it is from Tolkien.
(d) That Galadriel is a funny name.

7. Who is Mr. Randolph?
(a) An elderly, blind man.
(b) An African American.
(c) Mrs. Trotter's neighbor.
(d) All answers are correct.

8. Where does Gilly place her bubble gum when asked to remove it from her mouth?
(a) In a piece of paper so she can have it again later.
(b) Under the handle of the car door.
(c) In the ash tray.
(d) Under the desk.

9. What warning does Mrs. Trotter firmly give Gilly after Gilly comments about the TV show William Ernest was watching?
(a) Mrs. Trotter warns Gilly to watch her step.
(b) Mrs. Trotter makes it clear that Gilly will watch whatever William Ernest wanted to watch on TV.
(c) Mrs. Trotter makes it clear she will not have Gilly making fun of William Ernest.
(d) Mrs. Trotter warns Gilly not to cross her.

10. How does Gilly get William Ernest to participate in her plot?
(a) She lies to him.
(b) She bribes him.
(c) She doesn't get him to participate.
(d) She promises him ice cream and cookies.

11. What does William Ernest say when he lets go of the plane so it could fly?
(a) Sheebam.
(b) Bang.
(c) Pow.
(d) Wow.

12. What does Gilly do by the third week in October?
(a) She manages to be sent to a new foster home.
(b) She joins the girl's basketball team.
(c) She catches up and passes the rest of the students in her classwork.
(d) She tricks Miss Harris into thinking she liked her.

13. What do Gilly and William Ernest find high on the shelf?
(a) A bag of coins.
(b) A roll of paper money.
(c) A book with money hidden in the pages.
(d) Expensive jewelry.

14. What happens when Maime asks Gilly to help make salad for dinner?
(a) Gilly says, "No."
(b) Gilly says, "Later."
(c) Gill ignores her and goes outside to play.
(d) Gilly just stares at her in distaste.

15. How many boys did Gilly fight with at recess?
(a) Six.
(b) Ten.
(c) Five.
(d) Four.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gilly to to frighten William Ernest?

2. Who is Galadriel Hopkins?

3. What is Gilly's prank?

4. Who is William Ernest?

5. Why is Gilly plotting something?

(see the answer keys)

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