Great Dialogues Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Great Dialogues Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who gives the first speech at the symposium?
(a) Socrates.
(b) Eryximachus.
(c) Phaedrus.
(d) Agathon.

2. Why does Glaucon continue conversing with Socrates?
(a) Because he agrees with Socrates that injustice is better than justice.
(b) Because he is provoked by Adeimantus to do so.
(c) Because he is not satisfied with Socrates' response to Thrasymachus.
(d) Because he is convinced he can win an argument against Socrates.

3. By the end of Book IV Socrates has still not proved _______________.
(a) Courage comes from education and fear comes from ignorance.
(b) Justice manifests on earth.
(c) Justice is preferable to injustice.
(d) Laws affect the flow of life.

4. Before Socrates delivers his speech, he cross- examines Agathon about which of the following?
(a) Agathon's poetic license.
(b) Whether loves is necessarily possible.
(c) How one can know that he is truly in love.
(d) Whether love is necessarily beautiful.

5. Socrates argues that laws are___________.
(a) Misguided because no one law holds true categorically.
(b) Affected by the flow of everyday life, and thus should not be formulated individually.
(c) Worthy formal pursuits.
(d) Rigid and static, unlike the people they control.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who said the following: "may not the art of which neither teachers nor disciples exist be assumed to be incapable of being taught?"

2. Which of the following does Socrates reason about poetry?

3. Whose stories does Socrates think dangerous for the moral turpitude of his city's citizens?

4. How does Socrates rebut the definition of virtue offered by the poets?

5. Who are the rulers in Socrates' republic?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Socrates use metaphors to explain Ion's inspiration? How does this relate to the practice of art or philosophy?

2. What does Glaucon argue for?

3. What is Polemarchus main mistake in defining justice as "benefiting one's friends and harming one's enemies"?

4. What is Socrates' view on poets and soothsayers?

5. What is an art, according to Socrates?

6. Does Socrates believe that his theoretical republic is a realistic political plan for a city?

7. What does Diotima teach Socrates about love? How does this compare to Aristophanes' view?

8. How should soldiers, according to Socrates, be trained in the ideal republic?

9. What is the best way, according to Socrates, that people not be given false impressions about the gods?

10. What is the purpose of Aristophanes' myth about men and women once being unified and then split apart? How does he end his story?

(see the answer keys)

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